Insane bitch

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Athiest #001

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2008
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Oregon, USA
So, since theres nobody else for me to talk to, I shall relate to you all, anonymous peoples of the internet.

The whole story:

My ex-girlfriend dumped me about 2 years ago to start dating a guy about 5 years older than her (more of a big deal when you are 18). Ok so I'm pretty crushed but yeah I get over it after about a year, I realize I am inferior to him in every conceivable way, blah blah whatever. They go out for a year and in this time she falls absolutely crazy in love with him.

When she goes on a 3 month trip to study abroad he cheats on her and starts dating another girl. Naturally the guy breaks up with my ex when she gets back and she is pretty much CRUSHED (she wanted to marry this guy). In the following months I try to help her feel better, I let her know that I'm still there as a friend and as a more than friend of she wants. She doesn't "feel the same" for me anymore but we end up having sex multiple times anyways (I'm still much in love with her). So I figure shes so heartbroken she doesn't want a relationship now, thats understandable. Well 2 weeks later she starts dating yet another guy. I feel ******* worthless at this point, all I've done is been a good friend and let her know how much I love her and want to make her feel special and she goes with this other guy out of the blue.

TODAY, the second guy broke up with her, she is still totally heart broken over the first guy and she told me she basically just wants this second guy for "Friends with benefits". I say well, I kinda care for you, as you already know, why cant we just be friends with benefits and see what happens? She says she would rather have sex with him and she "likes his dick more" (wtf????). Apparently his dick "stands straight up" and she likes that... SHALLOW MUCH? HELLO! THIS GUY JUST DUMPED YOU.

We always had amazing sex, and no I'm not just imagining it. This girl is so superficial I could name a hundred times she said, "Oh no I couldn't date that guy his nose is too big", or "His hair is too long", "His lips are too small". I'm so ******* tired of GENUINELY trying to be the supportive friend and cheer her on during this whole mess and get NOTHING in return, she doesn't hang out with me, she replies to my affection with indifference and she is dead intent on sleeping with the guys THAT KEEP ******* DUMPING HER OR WONT TALK TO HER.


Two days ago I was totally in love with this girl, right now I feel like never talking to this girl EVER again. I blocked her/removed her on absolutely everything, I hate her.

Am I right to?
No offense. It sounds like you and her are in the same boat. Guys keep screwing her over yet she hangs around and she keeps screwing you over and yet you are still around.

Please, find someone better.
U like it the psyhco ******* too eh ???..:p

I guess...unless you want to continue being an emotional tampon.
NO...stay and **** her like there's no tommorrow like a bitch that she is. FFS losen up a bit.

Tell her "bitch...havn't you heard ???? To get over a guy is to get under a guy"
ERRRR..maybe that's what the second dude is for...She's using him to get over the first dude...
Maybe she's not as insane as you think.

In the mean time you're just missing out on the action. **** that ****...get some.
Somebody is going to **** might as will be
Runaway from pussy ??? errrr ?!?..ffs
Stand in line dude.

Maybe she's not ready to settle down yet. She'll settle down when her ****s start to sag..lmao
Most likely she'll get a **** job and go under the knife for her's body's imperfections.
She's milking the crap out of her assets at the moment....It is what it is.
SEX fucken sells as it always had

You'll continue to fall in love with unavaliable women...if it's not her, it's going to be someone else.
Or you'll create a relationship as such.

You can take this opportunity to get down to the nitty gritty of why...why in the hell you're attracted to pyshco *******.
You can reserch on codependency or toxic relationships. deserve better...but it's easier said then done.

It's the same if I tell you.."Just fucken get over her"...evidently you can't and a part of you find it hard or imposisble.
It's been over 2 you stated. You're still holding on to her.
There's something about her...that you think you can resolve within yourself. Your emotionally attached to her and
it's more than just her looks. You're forgiveness for in reverse and against you.
All of the pains, feelings abadonment, feelings of familar to you.
The cunning and baffling part about it hold your value as a person dependent on the approval of her love to you.
As if she's god...To rub it in even more...freaken women wants you to worship them like a fucken goddess...FFS.
And all that horse **** about nice guys coming last...just rub it in your face even more.
And you can't bring yourself to be a badboy like the two other *********..lmao...
FFS stop listen to women that watch Opera and taking advice from Dr.Phil ********...He's a ******** too.

You're bascailly enabling her...fixing her emotionally.
Then she bascailly gose out and **** up again.

You're dis-connecting from her at the moment due to anger...but after your anger subside, you'll start thinking
and worrying about her again. I've done it for years..but at least i was gettting the pussy.:p

I can't explain everything in one post.
You can't change her. You can't beat it into her. You can't make her love you back.
It's best that you try to change yourself and work on yourself.
Try to understand yourself better.

You can google abusive or toxic relationships...and evaluate yourself. Perhaps see or understand the cycle
of a toxic relationship better. You can simply google abusive women and the literature is the same...only the
word men had been replace with women.

As you're describing your crrrent simply went through the super closeness or bonding stage.
Then bam...she'll disconnect from you...Then you'll go through love hunger..then love stravations.
While in love stravations mode (desperations)'ll enable her, bend over backwards, go againts your values.
You'll hope things will change...Maybe it might be different this time. GUILT (faults guilt) overwhlems you.
And for a while it dose seem like she's going to get better or well...>>>> back to short period of close bonding again.
It's a downward spyro. Everytime this happens your mental and emotions gets scramble...
You hate yourself even more but yet you'll do it again and again....>>>>> love stravtion kicks in.
You'll simply live in denial..because the fucken truths hurts like fucken hell.

Your pain and suffering at the core dosn't have anything to do with her...
She's just surfface sitautions that you get involve with in order to retrigger issues you're trying to resolve deep
wounds inside of you.

I have a radar for pshyco *******...I can spot her out in a room full of beautiful women. She's the hawt, bitchy, smexy one.
She attracts me like a fucken magnet from hell. I'm drawn to her. One look in her eyes...I can tell there's something
wrong with her deep inside...but I like it. I ma make her my bitch come hell or high water :p
Why ??...becuase I'm a sick son of a bitch. It takes a bitch like her to love basturd like

Please love yourself and formost through all of this.
Reach out for help..
Millions of men and women had been in our shoes and had found a way out.
I wonder why she is doing that to you? Did you two have a lot of problems in the relationship that would make her not want to make things official? It's a bit baffling. It's also odd that she wants to be friends with benefits to someone who just broke up with her. I think maybe she's not in the best frame of mind right now and is probably still torn up over that guy cheating on her.

Do you think she intentionally uses you? She might not know exactly how you feel about her or she might not know how she feels about herself or the people she's involved with or been involved with. She might not be doing this on purpose. I think you should just talk to her heart-to-heart, tell her that you're feeling used and tossed around. Maybe ask what her true feelings are, and if she says she doesn't think she'll want to be with you again because she still feels that way, I think you should move on. You don't deserve what she's doing to you, but I don't think it's out of maliciousness. I think she's probably just at a rough point right now and doesn't know wtf she's doing.

After what she did, though, I personally think it's best to move on and find someone that will commit and be there for you 100%.
Athiest #001 said:
So, since theres nobody else for me to talk to, I shall relate to you all, anonymous peoples of the internet.

The whole story:

My ex-girlfriend dumped me about 2 years ago to start dating a guy about 5 years older than her (more of a big deal when you are 18). Ok so I'm pretty crushed but yeah I get over it after about a year, I realize I am inferior to him in every conceivable way, blah blah whatever. They go out for a year and in this time she falls absolutely crazy in love with him.

When she goes on a 3 month trip to study abroad he cheats on her and starts dating another girl. Naturally the guy breaks up with my ex when she gets back and she is pretty much CRUSHED (she wanted to marry this guy). In the following months I try to help her feel better, I let her know that I'm still there as a friend and as a more than friend of she wants. She doesn't "feel the same" for me anymore but we end up having sex multiple times anyways (I'm still much in love with her). So I figure shes so heartbroken she doesn't want a relationship now, thats understandable. Well 2 weeks later she starts dating yet another guy. I feel ******* worthless at this point, all I've done is been a good friend and let her know how much I love her and want to make her feel special and she goes with this other guy out of the blue.

TODAY, the second guy broke up with her, she is still totally heart broken over the first guy and she told me she basically just wants this second guy for "Friends with benefits". I say well, I kinda care for you, as you already know, why cant we just be friends with benefits and see what happens? She says she would rather have sex with him and she "likes his dick more" (wtf????). Apparently his dick "stands straight up" and she likes that... SHALLOW MUCH? HELLO! THIS GUY JUST DUMPED YOU.

We always had amazing sex, and no I'm not just imagining it. This girl is so superficial I could name a hundred times she said, "Oh no I couldn't date that guy his nose is too big", or "His hair is too long", "His lips are too small". I'm so ******* tired of GENUINELY trying to be the supportive friend and cheer her on during this whole mess and get NOTHING in return, she doesn't hang out with me, she replies to my affection with indifference and she is dead intent on sleeping with the guys THAT KEEP ******* DUMPING HER OR WONT TALK TO HER.


Two days ago I was totally in love with this girl, right now I feel like never talking to this girl EVER again. I blocked her/removed her on absolutely everything, I hate her.

Am I right to?

Umm...tell me again why you stayed with her so long? Dude. Act like a doormat, get treated like one. SHe seems to know you're going to be there for her, no matter what she does or how crappy she treats you.
And if she's as shallow as you say, talking crap behind the other guy's backs about their physical appearance, well duh, she's doing it to YOU too.
You'll feel much better, once you stop letting her wipe her feet on your face. :club: Cut her off.
wow, physical features dont mean that much. She is totally shallow. I woudlnt even be her friend.

:( she's just using you. find a better friend.
yai said:
After what she did, though, I personally think it's best to move on and find someone that will commit and be there for you 100%.

Unacceptance said:
yai said:
After what she did, though, I personally think it's best to move on and find someone that will commit and be there for you 100%.


OT, not really. I'm okay, though. Anyway. :)
I really hope you leave her and never look back. If someone made such comments and acted that way towards me I would have gave them a piece of my mind to let them know that they will never hear or see from me again.

Your title is quite accurate about this girl. Just leave already and remain to not keep any contact with her. I am so sorry you had to go through such things. Hopefully you are strong enough to leave this be. There will obviously be instances in the future where she will probably try to contact you. If she does, come back to this thread and read what you have posted. That should be enough to make you keep NC with this one.
Not worth it my man. But don't think they're out to hurt ya, she just doesn't know wtf she's doin. If she's not stupid she might actually figure it out, but few do. I know I did, and I'm paying for all my mistakes and then some... You're worth somethin bro, don't let her take that away from you. You won't find someone immediately but remember, she's not the only girl around.
I guess I'm kinda odd. The first time the girl broke up with me I would smile and plainly tell her she's a bitch and I don't want her anymore. On the first occasion. Trust me, you don't want a girl just for sex, and If its companionship you want you need a wiser girl who has morals like a muslim, or christian woman, not a heathen whore lol
investor said:
I guess I'm kinda odd. The first time the girl broke up with me I would smile and plainly tell her she's a bitch and I don't want her anymore. On the first occasion. Trust me, you don't want a girl just for sex, and If its companionship you want you need a wiser girl who has morals like a muslim, or christian woman, not a heathen whore lol

Since when does having faith guarantee someone is going to act in a moral manner?
Some people in the world are BAD people. It took me a while in life to realize this. You try to be a compassionate person and in return you get spat on.

This girl is one of them. She will never change. You SHOULD hate her.
A lot of sense in the post above. Self honesty leads to much better results than hating.
Most people have issues. Her issues seem to manifest in selfishness. Perhaps her only power is her looks, or she only knows how to get attention this way? I do not think a person like that is happy deep down.
Look after yourself instead of thinking about no one else can treat you this way.
ambientspark said:
My ex-girlfriend dumped me about 2 years ago to start dating a guy about 5 years older than her (more of a big deal when you are 18). Ok so I'm pretty crushed but yeah I get over it after about a year, I realize I am inferior to him in every conceivable way, blah blah whatever. They go out for a year and in this time she falls absolutely crazy in love with him.

When she goes on a 3 month trip to study abroad he cheats on her and starts dating another girl. Naturally the guy breaks up with my ex when she gets back and she is pretty much CRUSHED (she wanted to marry this guy). In the following months I try to help her feel better, I let her know that I'm still there as a friend and as a more than friend of she wants. She doesn't "feel the same" for me anymore but we end up having sex multiple times anyways (I'm still much in love with her).

You mislead us in the previous paragraph, Sir. You told us that you got over it after a year. Now you tell us that you never got over it and were still in love with her. I can't help but wonder if you were sending her mixed messages as well.

Honestly, in this paragraph it seems to me, that she let you know the score up front -- that she didn't feel romantically about you, but that the two of you could have sex. Different people will feel differently about whether this is an acceptable position for her to have taken -- everyone has their own morals and values, but at this point the bottom line for me is that she told you exactly what to expect from this exchange. Did you really have a right to feel victimized?

So I figure shes so heartbroken she doesn't want a relationship now, that's understandable. Well 2 weeks later she starts dating yet another guy. I feel ******* worthless at this point, all I've done is been a good friend and let her know how much I love her and want to make her feel special and she goes with this other guy out of the blue.
Again, this woman gave you no indication that she was open to rekindling her relationship with her. I am sorry it hurt your feelings that she had been sleeping with you only to shift her attention to another man. I've been there, with no one to blame but myself (after all, I knew the score), so I know it hurts like hell. That doesn't change the fact that I knowingly put myself that position and relied on hope to make that man fall in love with me. He didn't, and I had no reason to expect anything else from him as he'd never been vague about the fact that he wasn't looking for a relationship.

TODAY, the second guy broke up with her, she is still totally heart broken over the first guy and she told me she basically just wants this second guy for "Friends with benefits". I say well, I kinda care for you, as you already know, why cant we just be friends with benefits and see what happens?
It's highly unwise to try a FWB relationship when someone's in love. Anyone with a conscience would refuse to casually sleep with someone they know to be in love with them, so while I know you won't agree with me I consider this to her credit.

She says she would rather have sex with him and she "likes his dick more" (wtf????). Apparently his dick "stands straight up" and she likes that... SHALLOW MUCH? HELLO! THIS GUY JUST DUMPED YOU.
I agree that it's a shallow concern, and it was cruel and unnecessary for her to unload it on you, but don't try to fool yourself. Friends with benefits is SUPPOSED to be strictly sexual. If she's going to have sex without love with someone, why wouldn't she chose the partner that she finds more physically desirable?

We always had amazing sex, and no I'm not just imagining it. This girl is so superficial I could name a hundred times she said, "Oh no I couldn't date that guy his nose is too big", or "His hair is too long", "His lips are too small". I'm so ******* tired of GENUINELY trying to be the supportive friend and cheer her on during this whole mess and get NOTHING in return, she doesn't hang out with me, she replies to my affection with indifference and she is dead intent on sleeping with the guys THAT KEEP ******* DUMPING HER OR WONT TALK TO HER.
It would probably be worthwhile then do some serious self-analyzing on why you are so 'in love' with a woman who you are fully aware is shallow and lacks the self-respect to not sleep with guys who dump her (by the way -- pot, kettle? Aren't you also dead intent on sleeping with a girl THAT KEEPS ******* DUMPING YOU?). You do realize that your friendship isn't genuine, don't you? You're only being befriending and supporting her with the expectation that it's going to win her back for you. You're circling her like a vulture.
Why doesn't she love you, or why do you want the love of someone as shallow and disjointed as she is?
Two days ago I was totally in love with this girl, right now I feel like never talking to this girl EVER again. I blocked her/removed her on absolutely everything, I hate her.

Am I right to?
I don't think a lot of people would debate your case for hating her. Personally, I think hate is a draining and wasteful use of energy.

It's very significant to me to keep in mind that I can't worm my way inside the head of the people who wrong me, and I can't control them or make them feel remorse or warmth that they don't feel. Dwelling on how much I wish I could and how powerless and abused I feel usually just makes me feel tired and listless.

What I can do though, is tear through my own layers, and try to find out what the **** is going on with me that I allow these things to happen. What is it I'm looking for. What is it I actually have. How could there be such a massive disconnect that I am settling for abuse when what I wanted is love?

I think it's a good idea for you to stop interacting with her entirely. You've been in love with her for 2 years. I think she's made it clear that she isn't in love with you, and may prey on you for both emotional and sexual release that will lift her up and tear open all of your wounds. Whether she's honest/ethical about it or not, I think it's safe to say that you can't really endure 'friendship' with her. It will only continue to drain and hurt you.

If you like, just tell her that you love her, and not in a friendly way. Remind her that she's made it clear that she doesn't feel that way about you, and inform her that you need time and space to come to terms with that and move on. Don't let her try to guilt you into being her 'friend' if you really care so much. You have needs too, and every right to take all the time and space that you need to not hurt over this anymore.

I came to terms with a lot of this shortly after posting. I know that most if not all of the problems lie within myself. After some crazy conversations with her I kinda realized its me not her thats making me crazy and I can agree with you on pretty much every point. The title of this thread is misleading since I was angry when I wrote it, thanks for the posts everyone.
Unacceptance said:
investor said:
I guess I'm kinda odd. The first time the girl broke up with me I would smile and plainly tell her she's a bitch and I don't want her anymore. On the first occasion. Trust me, you don't want a girl just for sex, and If its companionship you want you need a wiser girl who has morals like a muslim, or christian woman, not a heathen whore lol

Since when does having faith guarantee someone is going to act in a moral manner?

Yeah, seriously, what the hell?

I'm not religious and I'm not a "heathen whore" and take companionship very seriously. Wtf. Way to like, insult a huge majority of non-religious people.
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