It's A Brand New Day

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It's been a while since I have created a thread in this section. Today though I want to share with you how positive I feel. :)

I really do feel positive today. Maybe it's the coffee I drank. :( (in which case all of this is just coffee-induced blather and I'll wake up tomorrow feeling like I can't achieve any goals or go anywhere in life and feel ashamed about making this thread in the first place.)

I think I've realized though that in order for me to be happy, that, I have to have ambitious. I want, more than anything, to be an ambitious person. I want to be happy-go-lucky.

I want my first and foremost hobby to be: achievement. I don't have to be the best, but I want to be the kind of person that succeeds in her goals and pushes herself beyond that. I want exuberance (sp?) in my life.

-positive moment (and hopefully self-realization turning point moment) shared-
Huzzah! I'm glad you're feeling increasingly optimistic and driven. I hope that you find a way to maintain it... energy begets energy. Happiness begets happiness.
Yay :),
I'm glad you feel happy today,
*crosses fingers for Sophia* I hope it lasts :).
In short, I feel as though my priorities have shifted in my life. Well not priorities, but, well, I guess I have difficulty explaining it. I've begun to look at achievement like i'd look at a hobby (my foremost hobby used to be reading) but, for some reason, the other day I decided that reading wasn't my foremost hobby anymore, and that achievement was. And all of a sudden, I started feeling better about myself and my life.

I hope all of this doesnt sound crackers to you guys. I don't know why it's made me feel better can't believe I am using this word...optimistic. All I know is that I like the feeling. =)
SophiaGrace said:
In short, I feel as though my priorities have shifted in my life. Well not priorities, but, well, I guess I have difficulty explaining it. I've begun to look at achievement like i'd look at a hobby (my foremost hobby used to be reading) but, for some reason, the other day I decided that reading wasn't my foremost hobby anymore, and that achievement was. And all of a sudden, I started feeling better about myself and my life.

I hope all of this doesnt sound crackers to you guys. I don't know why it's made me feel better can't believe I am using this word...optimistic. All I know is that I like the feeling. =)
Doesn't sound crackers at all, makes perfect sense.
doesn't sound crackers to me at all. and I agree with you on that. Before I get envious of people who enjoy achieving things. In other words, competitive people. that word used to have a bad connotation for me but competition can develop skills in you and can make you achieve goals that make you put value in yourself more. In the end, the best competition game is the one you do with yourself. So I am thinking of the same thing now. I'd like to be more of an achiever. and YEY for optimistic energy :D

btw, my previous hobby was being lazy =/

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