Hi I'm new here don't know where to start. I moved last year and have been having a real hard time it seems like I'm cursed or somthing. In the last year I've had to sell allmost everything I own, my dog passed away, I lost my car, and am stuck in a ****** job. I have tryed to handle this alone as I always have b4 but I don't know what to do any moore. My boss is a ******* and no matter how hard I work he won't help me at all and gives promotions ti kiss ***** and his frinds. I haven't got any real friends and my family that wanted me to move here either moved away or screwed me over. I'm in love with a girl at work but all I can do is sit and watch her throw herself at all the good lookin guys and ignore me completly. I don't really believe in god and am feeling very lost right now if you read this an have any advice I thank you in advance till the I will try to keep goin on my own.