SighX99 said:
karma is ****** ********...
I tend to agree. I think that karma, like with most religions, developed as a way for humans to make sense of and try to impose an order on the things that happen. The idea that bad deeds will be punished and that good deeds will be rewarded by some higher agency is just an attempt to explain why bad things happen to good people/why some ******** always seem to prosper.
Karma also appeals to people who believe in the idea of a reaction for every action, but I think it's too simplistic to say that a person's bad actions will ultimately bite him on the ass. His actions will affect someone, certainly, but not necessarily him.
Example: a person leaves a bar drunk, gets in his car, gets into an accident and kills another driver. As is often the case, he, the drunk, survives despite his bad deed. In order to explain this discrepancy, people argue that his karmic points will be tallied against him in another life, which is unprovable. For those who don't follow karma, they may say that a person's reward or punishment lays in God's hands in some afterlife, also totally unprovable.
It just seems like desperate grasping at straws to explain things in an orderly fashion when really I think that all life is chaos.
We can't really know or anticipate all of the effects of our actions. I believe that we each should do our best not to cause harm, but we can never know what unintentional harm we've caused; likewise, our actions can cause unintentional good. I try to think about that and be thankful for the good things that have happened to me.
I know, I know, overall, I'm kind of a cynical downer.