karmas ********

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ive done so much good in my life, nothing good has ever happen to me, always something bad. and when i was performing these good deeds, i never really thought about karma or expect anything in return...

now that everything has ****** up, and people have taken advantage of me so many times.... i dont believe in karma

**** being the good person, people always take advantage of me...
SighX99 said:
nothing good has ever happen to me, always something bad.

really? not one good thing? you have your health. that's one good thing. a good question to ask yourself is why do you want to believe nothing good happens to you? because, that is a lie you tell yourself.
How to Correct External Locus of Control

Debugging Guidelines: If you adopt a generalized view of life
that what happens to you is far more in the control of other
people than in your own, you can pretty much expect lifelong
victim status in manipulative relationships. It just stands to
reason that if you believe that other people are supposed to
be in control of what happens to you, they will be. You may
as well just hand over the strings to the next available manipulator
and let him pull to his heart’s content.
Seeing your life outcomes through the prism of an external
locus of control has some other drawbacks, too. People
with an external locus of control tend to have lower selfesteem
than those with an internal locus of control. And
when you do not feel like you can be an effective player in
making things happen in your own life, you just will not tend
to make the kind of self-generated effort or display the strong
motivation that can turn a random turn of luck into seized

How to Correct Approval Addiction

Debugging Guidelines: It is simply impossible for you (or
anyone else) to get everyone’s approval all the time. So you
may as well just stop knocking yourself out trying to do the
impossible. Gaining the approval of others may make you feel
good—especially if the others are people you like and
respect—but you do not need the approval of others to validate
your worth as a human being.
The most important, effective, and lasting approval is that
which you give to yourself. If you have compromised your
integrity and autonomy by turning over the strings of control
to a manipulator in exchange for his or her approval, you are
paying far too high a price.

Corrected hard-target thought: “My value as a person
depends on far more than just the things I do for other
people. While I enjoy doing nice things for others, I
really appreciate it when other people do things for
me. In fact, my self-esteem suffers when others take
advantage of my giving nature through manipulation
and exploitation.”

100 suggestions of happiness

1 Your Life Has Purpose and Meaning
2 Use a Strategy for Happiness
3 You Don't Have to Win Every Time
4 Your Goals Should Be Aligned with One Another
5 Choose Your Comparisons Wisely
6 Cultivate Friendships
7 Turn Off the TV
8 Accept Yourself—Unconditionally
9 Remember Where You Came From
10 Limit Yourself to Thinking About One Subject as You Lie Down to Sleep
11 Friendship Beats Money
12 Have Realistic Expectations
13 Be Open to New Ideas
14 Share with Others How Important They Are to You
15 If You're Not Sure, Guess Positively
16 Believe in Yourself
17 Don't Believe in Yourself Too Much
18 Don't Face Your Problems Alone
19 Age Is Not to Be Feared
20 Develop a Household Routine
21 Don't Be Overprotective
22 Pay Attention. You May Have What You Want
23 Don't Let Your Religious Beliefs Fade
24 Do What You Say You Are Going to Do
25 Don't Be Aggressive with Your Friends and Family
26 Root for the Home Team
27 Don't Confuse Stuff with Success
28 Every Relationship Is Different
29 Don't Think "What If"
30 Volunteer
31 If You Can't Reach Your Goals, Your Goals Will Hurt You
32 Exercise
33 Little Things Have Big Meanings
34 It's Not What Happened, It's How You Think About What Happened
35 Develop Some Common Interests with Loved Ones
36 Laugh
37 Don't Let Your Entire Life Hinge on One Element
38 Share of Yourself
39 Busy Is Better Than Bored
40 Satisfaction Is Relative
41 Learn to Use a Computer
42 Try to Think Less About the People and Things That Bother You
43 Keep Your Family Close
44 Eat Some Fruit Every Day
45 Enjoy What You Have
46 Think in Concrete Terms
47 Be Socially Supportive
48 Don't Blame Yourself
49 Be a Peacemaker
50 Cherish Animals
51 Make Your Work a Calling
52 Never Trade Your Morals for Your Goals
53 Don't Pretend to Ignore Things Your Loved Ones Do That Bother You
54 Get a Good Night's Sleep
55 Buy What You Like
56 Accomplish Something Every Day
57 Be Flexible
58 Events Are Temporary
59 Be Your Own Fan
60 Join a Group
61 Be Positive
62 There Wifl Bean End, but You Can Be Prepared
63 How We See the World Is More Important Than How the World Is
64 Keep a Pen and Paper Handy
65 Help the Next Person Who Needs Some Minor Assistance
66 Take Care Not to Harshly Criticize Family and Friends
67 Some People Like the Big Picture, and Others Like the Details
68 Do Things You Are Good At
69 Go Visit Your Neighbor
70 Smile
71 Don't Accept Television's Picture of the World
72 You Always Have a Choice
73 Be Agreeable
74 Don't Ignore One Part of Your Life
75 Listen to Music
76 Let Your Goals Guide You
77 Use Your Job Positively
78 Don't Forget to Have Fun
79 Believe in Ultimate Justice
80 Reminisce
81 Be Conscientious
82 Don't Dwell on Unwinnable Conflicts
83 Enjoy the Ordinary
84 Focus Not on the World's Tragedies, but on the World's Hope
85 Get a Hobby
86 Envying Other People's Relationships Is Pointless
87 Give Yourself Time to Adapt to Change
88 Focus on What Really Matters to You
89 Realize that Complete Satisfaction Does Not Exist
90 Surround Yourself with Pleasant Aromas
91 Don't Let Others Set Your Goals
92 You Are a Person, Not a Stereotype
93 Know What Makes You Happy and Sad
94 Keep Reading
95 We Must Feel Needed
96 Say "So What"
97 Have a Purpose
98 You Have Not Finished the Best Part of Your Life
99 Money Does Not Buy Happiness
100 What Does It All Mean? You Decide.....
well since in this world it is illegal to kidnap, torture and dispose of evil mothafkas i like the idea that karma will kick their ass somewhere along the line, if not in this lifetime then the next.

my father is a narcissist. so he was big on manipulation which you need the power of speech for. he got cancer and had his voice box removed. i like to think thats a bit of karma in action. mind you he became a bigger arsehole afterwards.
PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
my father is a narcissist. so he was big on manipulation which you need the power of speech for. he got cancer and had his voice box removed. i like to think thats a bit of karma in action. mind you he became a bigger arsehole afterwards.

SighX99 said:
karma is ****** ********...

I tend to agree. I think that karma, like with most religions, developed as a way for humans to make sense of and try to impose an order on the things that happen. The idea that bad deeds will be punished and that good deeds will be rewarded by some higher agency is just an attempt to explain why bad things happen to good people/why some ******** always seem to prosper.

Karma also appeals to people who believe in the idea of a reaction for every action, but I think it's too simplistic to say that a person's bad actions will ultimately bite him on the ass. His actions will affect someone, certainly, but not necessarily him.

Example: a person leaves a bar drunk, gets in his car, gets into an accident and kills another driver. As is often the case, he, the drunk, survives despite his bad deed. In order to explain this discrepancy, people argue that his karmic points will be tallied against him in another life, which is unprovable. For those who don't follow karma, they may say that a person's reward or punishment lays in God's hands in some afterlife, also totally unprovable.

It just seems like desperate grasping at straws to explain things in an orderly fashion when really I think that all life is chaos.

We can't really know or anticipate all of the effects of our actions. I believe that we each should do our best not to cause harm, but we can never know what unintentional harm we've caused; likewise, our actions can cause unintentional good. I try to think about that and be thankful for the good things that have happened to me.

I know, I know, overall, I'm kind of a cynical downer.
i dont believe in karma or heaven or hell.

im pretty sure its like voodoo.

if you dont believe in it, then it cant hurt you.

i also dont think good can come from wishing bad on others; bad luck, life in hell.

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