Hi , I'm a quiet guy and I've always been but all the people around like my family , friends ppl in my project grps are talktive thye just talk talk and talk! So i've been watching them , you know doing some research on talkative people like wth do they come up with so many words man ! I noticed you( me) are quiet when you don't have nothing to say and you( me) are an honest person.You don't have nothing to say cause you haven't seen , heard or done much in your life to talk about it.So I started forcing myself to talk( almost a year) by making up my own stories! and Dude lemme tell youits working! I've found some of my best friends.I mean they find out soon or later that you make up my stories , all the interesting things i've done and happened to me or my friends , but by then they get to know real you and thats what they care about , the personality you have inside you that what they like and respect.Don't get me wrong , I don't lie to show off or disrespect someone , I make up some funny stories that "happened" for me or my friends, white lie, you harms nobody.Sometimes it even get me laughing in the middle of making up story cause I've never heard that story bfore.It's like telling yourself a joke that you've never heard of before ( wth am i saying ) anyways just get my point.But anyways it's not easy.The only things I was ganna say is the good lies and stories gets you going sometimes.So give it a shot.