I am not a victim. I do feel helpless though. The title asked how to live when people treat you as something you are not. I apply for a job, they have heard the above rumours and believe them, how do you move on from that and live a life? Noone will hire me, I live very remote. I don't understand how some people can say. Just move on, imagine waking up one day, and everything you care for gets swiped away and there is nothing you can do about it? You likely have a lot of friends. You are very confident, people that are confident usually have a huge following, which I don't. I appreciate your feedback and I wish you were right. There is only one way forward for me, yes I will stop caring. One day.
It takes time. You're acting like a victim of others words and letting people control how you choose to live your life and how you feel about yourself. As Callie said, never let anyone have that much power and control over you. That's accurate. You can live regardless of what others think about you. You're not here for others entertainment. You have to believe in yourself. When I say you need to learn self-love, you definitely do. You need serious healing for yourself. Who cares about the rumours? Act like they don't phase you, as they shouldn't. It's just a bunch of hearsay by clueless minded people who have nothing better to do, than stir up drama, because they're bored or missing something in their own lives. Bullies will do this, because they know it'll work on you, as it clearly is. You live in a such a negative mindset and allow these things to control you, that it shows up everywhere else. You really think a potential job is going to hire someone with such a negative disposition? You have to gain confidence in other ways, by believe in yourself, not anyone else believing in you, but you seeing yourself as someone worthy. I actually could have a lot of friends, but I choose not to, because I keep the realest ones in my circle, which is very few. Why? Because I'm not a person who will allow people to use and walk all over me, I'll put them in their place. I'm also not desperate to feel validated or in need of friendship, I'm totally fine all by myself, friends or not. I got myself, and that's all the person I need. I choose to have people in my life. I have tons of people who try to hit me up and they don't get nothing in return, because most are fake or trying to get something, which luckily for me, through my own experiences in life, am highly aware of what people want from me. I'm always guarded to protect myself too. I know all about losing things too, as I lost myself for a good few years, but I got her back and still continuing to work on her. I've gained more confidence over the past couple of years, but wasn't ever this confident in my entire life. I worked on myself to get to this point and will continue to do so. And, you're wrong, there's always, always something you can do about it, you can change your perspective and change your life for the better, for you, not anyone else. You're just stuck in the "poor me, victim, and negative" mindset, and it's you who doesn't want to change it, and stay fixated on it. Anyone can change things if they truly want to. You can also get a job, but it's how you're approaching places and things, seems like you have a poor excuse for everything, because nothing's going right in your favor, but you have to put in the serious work for things to change for yourself, and see things in a different perspective. So far, all I've seen you do since you've been here is complain and talk negatively, no matter what people have told you. It's like you enjoy it.