I bust out the DSLR and smoke cigars.
What is your coping mechanism?
Bonus points if you attach pictures.
What is your coping mechanism?
Bonus points if you attach pictures.

Very nice, such a refine gentleman right there!Well howdy! Pleased to make your acquaintance. I look to my camera for solace sometimes as well, and have smoked a few cigars in my time. And since you'd like a pic attached, here's one I took which encompasses it all.
View attachment 9200
I come and go; I mostly come back to lurk haha. A lot of my pictures mostly sit in my hard drives. Maybe one day they will be a data gold mineHope to see you more often on here, with your picsDo you display them anywhere else?
I enjoy cannabis and music. Sometimes a nice walk and taking pics of flowers, trees, and the sky too!I bust out the DSLR and smoke cigars.
What is your coping mechanism?
Bonus points if you attach pictures.View attachment 9198