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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Hi there fellow Brit :)

Welcome to the forum! There are some great people and posts on here. I don't come on here much, just very sporadically nowadays. I used to come on here regularly about 11 years or so ago. I still like reading some of my old posts and the replies and discussions that came about it from some of these fine folk.

I, personally am into anything regarding the supernatural, Horror, serial killers, all that good wholesome stuff! :D I also have an unabashed love for most chick flicks, Hallmark movies (especially Christmas ones) and other stuff. I turned 50 last September, but I'm definitely younger than my years. I live alone, never been married, no kids, no immediate family. Bit of an introvert for sure (and a bona fide homebody for the most part), but I DO love walking/hiking and ever since I joined the brilliant Meetup website 10 years ago, it has helped a lot. Not least because the few good local (and local-ish) friends I've made because of it. I'm originally from Essex (but I'm not your typical 'Essex Boy') and now reside in Shropshire, which I love <3

Anyway, I hope you enjoy perusing around on here and feel free to shoot me a message if you ever want to chat on here/ask me something.

Take care for now and look after yourself, same goes for all y'all :)

