Lonley :)

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If it wasnt for university and work i wouldnt leave the house
Its not that i dont want to, its that i cant...I moved far away from my friends a while ago...and my university friends have their own little out-of-uni groups they spend their time with. Im in a new crappy area and dont know what to do.

My uni friends arnt even friends...its just a "hi" "bye" type of thing, i think there using me as well...once the works done they go there merry way :)

Ive been lurking for a while, but tonight ive hit a low and wanted to get this off my chest. Theres a party going on across my street...its midnight, and they all seem like they're having lots of fun dancing and partying. I wish i could go to one, i wish i could host one as well (but nobody would bother coming)

I hate moving. All of my relatives i know have met their close friends from school or uni or from friends of a friend from school or uni...I feel i have just ruined any chance of having a true friend. I guess ill just be living in a world of Hi's and Bye's

I love watching movies at the cinemas, but im too scared to go watch it by myself from the embarasment that may come from it. :( I wish i had someone i could talk to, someone to spend time with, someone who cared about me. If i died right now nobody would really care...some would be shocked but that would be it.

Loneliness sucks, its the worst feeling ive ever had and i wouldn't even wish it upon my enemies.

*continues dancing like an idiot in my room by myself to the party music*

Ya, quite a bit of us are lonely here. :-/ I am lucky enough to have two real good friends who I hang out with, usually the night ends with us doing drugs or alcohol though.

A good place to make friends from my experiance is work. Not the greatest to find a spouse or a partner though...

I know what you mean by not wanting to go to movies alone, I hate going alone. But honestly, I'm not going to let people I don't know stop me from going to see a movie. :)
I always get jealous when people say they've seen this and that movie at the cinema. I'm a big movie fan, but I haven't been to the cinema in years because I have no one to go with. You don't have to be embarresed going by yourself. Trust me, no one cares. I've done it once. It wasn't embarresing, but going with a friend is 100 times more fun. Not really worth it.

Registrer to this site. You might find some good encouragement or advice on your situation. Or, just for a nice place to talk
All the times ive been to the movies ive never seen anyone by themselves, or else i would have gone by myself everyday! Im a big movie buff. I guess ill just have to build a home theater and watch the movies 2 years later on DVD :O

My workplace is full of selfish idiots :(. After i graduate and get a better job, i hope i can find some good friends...Thats the only hope left in my life...

Thanks for the replies people :)
Ill register for sure

OK - listen. This is important. Don't let months and years go by while you are staying lonely & by yourself.

Join a club at your school. You will automatically have a common interest with the other people there. You will have that to talk about.

This is not a list of things to do to combat loneliness....just ONE thing. Join a club at your school.
Thanks guest
but i no longer go to school, its university
and at university everything is more laid back
people come for their classes and then go off home or to work
Theres no groups to join here :(
Hello longtimelurker. Hope things will turn out great for you at some point. :)
Btw, love that flying penguin! It's cute! Lol..:D
Guest said:
All the times ive been to the movies ive never seen anyone by themselves, or else i would have gone by myself everyday! Im a big movie buff. I guess ill just have to build a home theater and watch the movies 2 years later on DVD :O

Hi L.L. I see people go to the movies alone (just about every time i go to the theatre) and I had always thought Good for them! They don't care if they are with themselves enjoying a movie.

So I tried it out for myself. Of all movies "The Passion of Christ"

I think I knew it would be a heavy film that's why I wanted to see it by myself so no one would distract me.

I was surprised cause I felt fine I didn't feel weird.
I knew other people ( my family) who saw the movie and talked to them about it. I 'm thinking about going to see the george clooney film that just came out by myself because no one i know wants to see it Why shouldn't I go?

Try it you may like it
I love going to the cinema. Most ppl I know don't enjoy anything in less there drinking some kinder alcohol.

I whent one time on my own to see the last superman film that come out. I thought that I would feel like a proper loser on my own but actually enjoyed it very much and would do it again.

Like cklove said I alwys think good for them when am with someone at the cinema and see a person on there own.

I would recommend any one to try it just the one time even if your the most popular person in the world. Its a good experiences and shows independents I think.

Not a good place to meet ppl tho coz you just set there watching a film but you never know you might bump into an old mate are girl that you like. Strange things like that do happen from time to time.
I used to go and see movies on my own a fair bit when I was younger, it's not that wierd and you enjoy the movie a lot more (even if you enjoy the experience less). I was thinking about trying it out again soon actually, try to cure me of my shut-in ways...

Certainly if you're the type to get real nervous in public (or at least this is my thinking) because nobody is going to bother you. I'm lucky because the bus station is right next to the cinema so all you have to do is deal with the bus driver, deal with the ticket person and then hide, go to an almost empty showing of some flick, then come home on the same bus (shouldn't even have to speak to the driver if you bought a return).

Maybe we could all find a movie showing in all our countries (maybe 2 or 3 in the likely event of that not being feasible), see it over the weekend, then talk about it here or something? That way it wouldn't be quite like watching it alone. I dunno, just throwing ideas around that would maybe kill some time.
Thanks for the replies guys!

HiddenHydey Thats a really good idea actually
And to take it one step further, we could all meet up and watch a movie together :)
But thats obviously assuming that we all live in relative close proximity...But i doubt that?

But i like your idea.
Over here i never see anyone going to the movies by themselves, its really unheard of. I think i mentioned this before but all the times ive been to the movies with friends i never see anyone by themselves.
hey, I totally know where you're coming from being lonely at college. my college is the exact same way, you see a million different people every day- if you met someone you would never see them again unless you distinctly tried. (which is looked down upon, because they already have their circle of friends, its like "where's yours?"). I'm pretty sure too many people is a very bad, empty thing.

but i wouldnt worry about not going to parties. I go to plenty since my roomate is pretty outgoing and drags me along. generally there is just a lot of exhausting small talk with people you will probably never encounter again. that and tons of desperate, alcohol drenched kids looking for someone to screw. its sort of unpleasant more than fun. certain (read: tons of) people thrive in that atmosphere, but not me

as far as concrete advice, have you considered transferring to a smaller school? you may be at a prestigious university right now, but whats that going to get you? 4 empty years and a glossy piece of paper to frame and put in your office. i know plenty of people that absolutely love their tiny colleges- the atmosphere is much more loving

besides that, good luck
Guest said:
My workplace is full of selfish idiots :(.

oh and also, if things go bad enough for long enough, you can begin to get a negative outlook on people in general. this is dangerous. keep in mind the people in your workplace are just as stressed and/or bored as you are, the workplace is no environment to judge someone's personality

sometimes you have to recognize that you just arent giving certain people a chance

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