I rarely even get to the 'small talk' stage. Most places I go to, it's made extremely clear very quickly that the people there don't want to know or talk with me. Late last year I went to an art class, and even in the first session, I was the only one sitting alone, at a desk by myself. Not because I wanted to, but because everyone else had chosen to sit next to/with someone else. Even when I tried to talk with someone there, I would be ignored ... and most of the conversations that the rest of the people were having weren't ones I could join in on (talk about their family, kids, ect ect, all conversations about very social things). That's how it stayed for 8 weeks. That's how it is in any group, class, or whatever I go to. I even find it difficult online. Most of what I say seems to go un-noticed, or becomes 'thread killer', so much so that I then feel like I shouldn't say anything, and that, for some reason, whatever I say, or feel, isn't valid because I'm too far away or just ... well ... I don't know. It's frustrating, not even feeling like you fit in or are accepted online.