The week before last I'd been getting pain in my left leg. It swelled up as if with fluid. Bethany spotted the symptoms and called the doctor. The doctor got an ambulance which rushed me to hospital. There they found on X-Ray a blood clot in my groin and one behind the knee. By then I was near panic, wouldn't let go of my darling I was so upset.
I was put on a series of anticoagulants, initially Clexane an injection around my tummy area; it felt like fire and made me cry. And another the day after. Throughout my stay in hospital I never got more than 6 hour's sleep a day because nurses were always coming to wire me up to tubes. Felt like I was going crazy and that was in a private hospital. Even had a syringe driver stuck in me giving low measured doses of Heparin that was to dissolve the clots and prevent me from having a pulmonary emolism. Death by that is not pleasant. It's horrific.
Finally I am home. My blood's INR is on target, though I'm on anticoagulants for the rest if my life. It's no bad thing, really. Means I get a life without too much risk of a blod clot causing a painful death. It if wasn't for Bethany spotting the symptoms, bless her, I might not be here today sipping a rather large Macallan. Just the one, nursey.
I'm not spending as much time on the internet. Sod that! Taking more exercise as it is imperitive even though the M. E. remains debilitating.
You might see me in the forum games though don't all rush at once.
Anna Mouse
I was put on a series of anticoagulants, initially Clexane an injection around my tummy area; it felt like fire and made me cry. And another the day after. Throughout my stay in hospital I never got more than 6 hour's sleep a day because nurses were always coming to wire me up to tubes. Felt like I was going crazy and that was in a private hospital. Even had a syringe driver stuck in me giving low measured doses of Heparin that was to dissolve the clots and prevent me from having a pulmonary emolism. Death by that is not pleasant. It's horrific.
Finally I am home. My blood's INR is on target, though I'm on anticoagulants for the rest if my life. It's no bad thing, really. Means I get a life without too much risk of a blod clot causing a painful death. It if wasn't for Bethany spotting the symptoms, bless her, I might not be here today sipping a rather large Macallan. Just the one, nursey.
I'm not spending as much time on the internet. Sod that! Taking more exercise as it is imperitive even though the M. E. remains debilitating.
You might see me in the forum games though don't all rush at once.
Anna Mouse