My works of art (ATTN Bluey)

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
Southwest Florida
I'm an artist. I'm not gonna ******** you. I have this talent just...built into my fingers. I can out-draw most of you...out-paint most of you. Hell. I've made grown artists' renditions look like something your kid hangs on the refrigerator. With that said, I have something I need to confess.

I'm a tortured artist. Every fiber of every one of my works comes from the pain that I feel within...that nagging sense of nothingness, or, as some of you call it around here...loneliness. In my latest masterpiece I've translated that empty feeling from the pit of my stomach to the heart of a canvas. Without further ado, I present to you, the feeble-minded collective of a Lonely Life, the greatest piece of art to ever grace this Earth. But first I must warn you. The vibrant colors. The detail. The unmistakable similarity to the very reality we partake in every day...these things and more are so apparent in my painting that I fear loss of bowel control may be imminent. Therefor, if your eyes are not conditioned to view excellent-nay, Godly works of art, please, either leave the room, strap on some goggles, or for heaven's sake...put a pair of depends on.

Now. The moment you've all been waiting for.

My Art

It brings a tear to my eye just to look at it.
hum... lol pretty good? I thought it was a pic of one of your food creations lolz


lmao. I love the mustache.
I call it "A Boner in the Dark". I'm only e-mailing signed copies on a first come, first serve basis, so please-form an orderly line.
Okay. I've decided to use this thread for all my works of art. So here's a poem I wrote. For Bluey.

Hey there Mr. Bluey,
Whatever are we gonna do-ey?
Without our favoritest buddy here?
Why'd you have to go and disappear?

You were the bestest moderator,
I'm a chronic masturbator.
Everybody's gonna miss you, man,
You're like the Chris Tucker to my Jackie Chan.

So I hope you have a nice life,
Maybe find yourself a hot wife,
And if you don't than that's okay,
That's why some dudes are freakin' gay.

But seriously dude, I wish you luck,
And I hope that your life don't continue to suck,
But if it does, just give yourself a hug,
Or if all else fails, fall back on drugs.

Maybe we'll meet one of these days,
Hittin' a crack pipe in an alley way,
If we don't, if it all just ends,
Remember that you'll always have your internet friends.
Man, I do no what to say. Thanks. I put the poem witch was way cool and made me lol I can tell you. Well ye I put that and the art in my profile if you owner check it out :D
Yes I'm pretty sure Kristen was kidding. That was absolutely amazing. I'm looking forward to your next piece. The potatoe man had me torn between two emotions. There was fear.. I suppose that was the pain (l*neliness) crying out through your work, but there was also curiousity ..a brilliance that supressed my initial fears and kept me staring at it in awe for several hours.

My eyes are still watery......... brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

As for the poem.....dude you cant rhyme ...stick to the drawing...and if you do venture into the field of music...stay on the safe side and try hitting uncracked pipes in ally ways =)
Rawr! said:
I call it "A Boner in the Dark". I'm only e-mailing signed copies on a first come, first serve basis, so please-form an orderly line.

I want a signed copy. I'll frame it. Gimmie gimmie.
But be careful, I might become your stalker. lmao.
Qui said:
I want a signed copy. I'll frame it. Gimmie gimmie.

Me also. Technical primitivism of such power, such emotion. I am running out to get a frame now.

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