Narcissistic Family Abuse, Enabled By Essex Police

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Crown Court Banned Poet
Jan 1, 2022
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London, UK

[BLOG] Narcissistic Family Abuse Enabled by Essex Police

Please take a few minutes to read the following....

My own family have set out from day one to destroy my life & take all from me that I have ever owned or loved. Abuse very much enabled by Essex Police...

◾My dad & step mum would physically & mentally abuse me throughout my whole childhood yet EP chose not to prosecute! (AKA Enablement)

◾Doesn't seem to see the problem with the family disowning my daughter at birth for quite simply being born mixed race! (AKA Family Racism)

◾Allowed my dad to steal & burn my belongings, personal items & memories stored at his house, yet no further action was taken! (AKA Theft)

◾Knew a relative sent me a pedophilic comment with a photo of my young daughter yet chose to give him nothing more than a warning!
(AKA The sexual comment of a minor, sent in order to cause pain & distress)

◾Know damn well my Abusers not only have access to my daughter, but have fed her just enough venom & lies to turn her against her own dad whilst buying her silence with money & designer clothes, something very much cruelly rubbed in my face online regularly! (AKA Blackmail & a Hate Crime)

◾Have done nothing to stop any of the Narcissistic Abuse, Mental Torture & blatant Harassment to occur at the hands of my own family!
◾When my flat was burgled, they took no action whatsoever, even when one of the 3 culprits was seen on Facebook wearing both my stolen clothes & watch! (AKA Theft)

◾Allowing my Step Sister to make false allegations about my mother & a make believe gun leading to an armed police raid, in which Police hurt me (Following a Cancer Operation) and was made to issue a public apology (AKA False Accusations with no Punishment)

◾Allowing my cruel narcissistic dad & stepmother to turn the whole family against me for no other reason than Spite & Pure Hatred! (AKA Another Hate Crime)

◾Purposely derailing my writing career & remanded in prison, where my face was cut & my material silenced at Crown Court for exposing child abuse & racism within the family, yet strangely my Jehovah's Witness Aunty was not jailed, even after found to be sexually abusing her son! (AKA Injustice)

◾As the final insult, my Jehovah's Witness Nan & her spiteful sidekick stole absolutely every last item I owned including my whole entire music collection & all the memories of my daughter! (AKA Theft & the destruction of another person's personal property with the full intentions of causing mental distress)

◾Followed by repeatedly flagging & reporting my Facebook page until my account was pulled causing me to lose 12 years of irreplaceable photo's & memories so that I had to platform to expose the cruelty! (AKA and another Hate Crime)

◾There's also another restriction, very much based on false allegations.

Does anybody not see the clear pattern yet???

Those who set out to take everything from me whilst depriving me of any kind of happiness are nothing short of heartless & pure evil!
As if the emotional neglect & abuse wasn't enough the reoccurring trauma my family have caused me is totally unforgivable!
Being the above is clearly a breach of my human rights, I will not rest until the above have all been held accountable for these cruel & unacceptable actions.

I literally don't have anything left in life but the clothes on my back & nothing to live for except the dog I've loved for nearly 10 years.
Does anybody get my frustration yet????
I will not stay silent for my ABUSERS to live comfortable lives & I sure will not tolerate intimidation or harassent of any kind.

Copyright The Elusive Mr Dunne (All rights reserved)

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