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Feb 26, 2012
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I've stumbled upon this forum, in my endless search for help. I will tell you my story, and await any feedback you might have. I am a 43 year old male, with a wife and 3 young girls. They are the light of my life, the things that keep me going. I have been and still am being treated for Gen'l Anxiety Disorder, and Lexapro has it somewhat under control for me. Before Lexapro came around I had 2 huge panic attacks at work, one of which forced me to the ER with a BP of 210/120. Come to find out I also had High BP....which is also being treated with a pill. I feel physically better nowadays, but mentally I am a wreck. I have lost all of my confidence. I have been through several jobs, getting them with my intelligence and losing them with my lack of deisre and inablity to pay attention to details and check my work. My mind is always racing about doom and gloom and letting my children and family down. This economy is so horrible, I am scared to death. I am scared of dying, I feel like my life is half over and I will soon be dead. I've tried to see Psychiatrists who try to sell me sessions and group lessons. I've also had a guy who just listened, and seemed to make light of my issues. "Your pill helps you, So what else are you looking for?" I spent yesterday crying, left my house after a stupid fight with my wife, and went back to work (I work 3.5 hours from home). I pulled over halfway there and didnt know what I was doing and just wanted to go back home. I then spent the rest of the afternoon crying and apologising to my wife, who is at here wits end with me. I just don't know what to do anymore, and probably need help but dont know where to get it. Thanks for reading.

I had a quick read up on generalized anxiety disorder before replying, mainly as it seems such a genuine and thought out cry for help, it needed a considered response. It seems clear that your feelings relate directly to your condition and I see you have been open to getting both medical help and Psychiatrists already. On a practical note have you considered a support group? The fact you have related your issue on here suggests you are open to it, maybe that would give you the advice and regular perspective that might help. Fellow sufferers could offer more insight than your average sympathiser on here (I do sympathise, it sounds a tough place where you are in).

If I have any advice, I would say, take both the current problems in your life and your medical condition in balance. Your condition will it seems make you fret over 'insignificant' things but these economic pressures, the pressures of parenting etc are all very real issues that many people face, so I suspect they are real and not just fixable through medication and treatment of your disorder.

So I would say, stick with the meds, as they are helping physically, maybe look to a support group as that will give you the regular and real support you need and domestically, try to make the most of the time you have at home when its not so bad and you are feeling in control, thats the time to capitalise, spend some time with the kids and your wife and show them that you do care and you are trying. Knowing that you have spent some QT with them and that you are doing your best basically, that’s all you can ask of yourself.

Lastly welcome to the forum and hopefully people here can help, feel free to pm me, I can't confess to being an expert but I'm a parent and trying to hold down a job without motivation and I know how hard that can be sometimes so I can always lend an ear.
Hi PP,

I just read your heartfelt inquiry and I can sympathize for your situation. FEAR is crippling sometimes. and the ones that love you the most rely on you too which CAN increase your fear of letting them down. but lets work towards overcoming it.

Lets recognize that your psychology could be a little out of wack. its in the gutter. what you see is not reality! but thats ok.
lets just recognize it and move on.

How? - Let your family be the motivation you need to overcome hardships. You already have a job. you just won half the battle. Economic times are rough. sales can be low and difficult to bring up. but for the love of your family, let that love provide the emotional energy you need to make that last pitch or whatever it is you do.

You can trust me on this or not....
but once you physically exhaust your body (from work, not worrying all day) your mind will rest, relax and reflect. this will bring a positive loop. hard work = peace of mind = increased positive energy... for hard work all over again.

Let your demons go. drop the pills. you dont need them... but im not a doctor... but neither are psychologists... they r just drug dealers for pharmaceuticals.... but thats another topic... smoke a joint. seriously. get your wife in on it. life doesnt have to be that serious... you can survive without making all the money in the world.

Listen man...
If you need someone to talk to so you can get your head straight... dont be shy. just let me know. you dont know me. so you can use that to your advantage....

I feel you bro. hang in there.

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