Numerology of Houses

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2008
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We're moving and have been looking at houses, so I've been in a favorable position to put this to the test. So far houses we are looking at and houses we have had in the past are all measuring up to par.

Well my current house is a 4, and sure enough the previous owner was running a business here (also apparant by the 64 phone outlets) and it has had structural problems.

Our last house was also a 4, this place was owned by a woman who used it to run a vitamin business. It problems the roof. I have also used these houses for various business opportunities that didn't work out, as well as selling stuff on Ebay. I don't do much of that these days though.

Theres a house we really like that is a 3. Sure enough it has a unique floorplan and we (my grandfather and me) are creative people about to embark on various projects.

My second house was a 2. We moved there just after everyone else in the family died. I had a girlfriend when I lived there.

My first house was an 8, lived there for 16 years. There were more of us and we had more jobs, assets, and other material things. This was the biggest of the houses with 4 big yards on a full acre. Lots of green grass, trees, bushes, and a pool. As for the soothing of extreme behaviors, there were many of those. If THAT was the effect of soothing them, I'd hate to imagine what they could have been like.

House Number 3
This house is one of the happiest ones with a welcome sign on the door. This is the social house. It is a house that is very creative and suites creative tenants. With its unusual design it is the perfect house for entertaining both indoors and outdoors.

If you like quiet, do not live next to a three house. For this is a house filled with noise, laughter and extravagant expression. People who live in a three house like to invest within the decorating causing a cluttered and odd style within its interior.

Positive Colour Suggestions: Mauve, Lilac, calming blues and violets.

House Number 4
This house is one of order and neatness. Most of the repairs are up to date. For this is the house of the builder or professional who likes to climb the ladder of success. To calm the sense of authority this earthly house does well with a lot of indoor plants.

Watch for structural problems with this house.

Positive Colour Suggestions: Blue and gray muted colors, along with the greenery from all the plants.

House Number 8
This house resonates with Ambition and material benefits. If you are a hard-working individual who is ambitious then this is the house for you. Your focused business nature will best suit an eight house. For this is a solid house that aids in making your goals come to reality. Outdoor gardens filled with trees, plants and flowers ad to the ambiance of this house.

The natural environment of this house will aid to sooth extreme behaviors.

Positive Colour Suggestions: Green, Cream, Blues and Grays.
Oh, come on.

You can't seriously believe this, can you?

How can an address number magically dictate the style, feeling, and floorplan of the house, or vice versa? Isn't it more likely that this is all random coincidence and that maybe only a fourth (or less) of the houses out there actually agree with this "numerology" thing? For instance, my house is a number 7, but it's not anything like what this system says it should be.

Even IF every house that you personally inspect fits with this theory, statistically that doesn't prove anything.
everything in the universe can be reduced to 5. This is called the law of fives.

It is not that it is true, it is that you can reduce anything to 5 if you want to.

So, if you want to believe in numerology it is up to you. You can make any situation into any number.

But try to reduce the number to a most pleasing outcome, so it makes you feel better and not worse.
Well of course you can reduce it all to 5 - 5 is the number of freedom and variety. In D&D 5 would use swords and have a few spells and abilities of every other class. In the Tarot 5 is given Worry, Defeat, Disappointment, and Strife, but the constellation is also given 14: Art. Fives job is to encompass everything to the extent that they will find all problems so that Six, paradise can be created. Herein lie a joke that tells of the fall of paradise: Why is Six afraid of Seven, because 7 8 9...

You can reduce it all to any other number too:

1. Oneness, the proof lies in the quantum mechanics that everything is one thing, part of a single point before the big bang.

2. Duality. The Law of balance. Dark and light, Man and Woman, and a thousand others. Meditation on the 2 is massive.

3. There probably isn't enough space in this forum to get into every application of trinity, trouble that comes in threes, etc. As well the 3 which are 1, and relates to duality, father, mother and child. 3 has its place too.

4. The builder. Considered to be the number of the material universe. Here we have the fours, the four elements, the four suits, etc. Also the number of an era, during which the illuminati were the Freemasons.

6. Said to the be the number of man. Also refers to an age where the Illuminati are Zionists and control the world with a banking cartel, I,E This age.

7. The divine number. Millions of applications especially among religious texts.

Each number has its following... lol

and no, your references aren't lost on me, as I am a big reader of Robert Anton Wilson.
Phaedron said:
and no, your references aren't lost on me, as I am a big reader of Robert Anton Wilson.

I appreciate your posts in the "up for debate" section, especially the one on perception and reality.

I spent a big chunk of my life reading about this religion and that. One philosophy or another. One truth as opposed to a different truth.

Once I realized everything is true and false at the same time I felt free for the first time in my life.

totally free
eris said:
Once I realized everything is true and false at the same time I felt free for the first time in my life.

totally free

Exactly! However I don't think that this conclusion negates the effect and influence of Numerology as you seem to have initially suggested.

Everything exists simultanously as 1, as 2, and as more. It can be true and false at the same time, infinitely complex and yet simple. When actually walking a path ones enlightenment and intuition are involved. It's good for the mind to fathom a wide range of possibilities, but it requires a sharp Intuition as it's companion to avoid getting lost in the Abyss.

I believe we are incapable of perfect faith or perfect atheism. We all have a side that explores and a side that doubts, so humans are the living embodiment of this duality "that everything is true and false at the same time" it is our very reality, both within and without. No matter what you believe you can't honestly be 100% sure of it, likewise you can't be 100% sure against it. This is what frustrates and confuses people, they don't get that true and false must eternally dwell side by side. Whether a certain creature actually existed may be ultimately true or false, but the simultaneous notion applies when you get to more complicated stuff like higher dimensions, quantum mechanics, and human spirituality.

ultimately a human being is just collection of inner thoughts, feelings, and events. For instance, it is possible to have a relationship that is completely unfulfilling, and to imagine or write your own love story and have greater fulfillment, because ultimately everything occurs within. We don't really need the outside world at all, except as support for our mortal bodies. Of course the experience in reality is also crucial in refining ones imagination.

With this level of discipline you have likely walked your "circle." as I call it. A circle of spiritual and philosophy journey that you likely bounced back and forth in. Once you're circle is formed enough to be definable you can reach a "perfect center."

The next step, my Dischordian friend, is the great work of Magick, yes Magick spelled with a K. You would do well to make this your next great philosophical undertaking. The goal of Magick the communion with ones higher self. I recommend reading Aliester Crowley's Liber / 777. Somewhere (where he talks about the hunchback and the soldier) he reveals an important prerequisite: that of the circle. It is important to be very skeptcal, and also very creative and believing, to reach a state of absolute truth necessary for a believable meeting with your higher self to take place that isn't lost onto dischord and deception.

! or the soldier never asks questions and is perfectly sure of all of his beliefs.
? or the hunchback questions everything, and is hunched because he is unable to believe in anything.
So both ! and ? are necessary and in maximum quantities?!

The true/false dynamic is one of the secrets to Magick. All the candles, incense, oracles, sounds, ambience, are all to amplify a spiritual intent. They are just glorified prayer. It is the power and the faith you put into them that makes it happen. Maybe perfect faith is possible when you realize that doubt is okay and detatch yourself from the outcome. In that sense, why not have perfect faith? When acting and making decisions why not also have perfect wisdom and not take any chances? You CAN have great quantities of both. With this and some other skills you can even make your own spells, which for their creator will be powerful indeed if backed with a good knowledge of practical magick.

Perhaps you would enjoy the articles from which my signature originates: and
If the sentence below doesn't go completely over your head (and I'm pretty sure it won't) then you're ready lol.
I am not seeing the issue here, a test at best, so i will move this out of the "Issues" area over to chat.
I don't know about all that, but my house numbers have been odd.

First place I remember, when I was little, was a 409. Then we had a house built that was a 5. Then we moved from there into a 2. Then moved to another 5. Last house we had was a 702. And now we have a 509.

And when I was a baby-baby, like a new born, mom says we lived in an apartment E3.

What about letters?
sadface said:
0101010101011010 ~* i love numbas *~

did you see the video i posted once where 2 guys acting like robots do a binary solo!!!? i thought it was cool
Phaedron said:
Exactly! However I don't think that this conclusion negates the effect and influence of Numerology as you seem to have initially suggested.

I didnt mean to suggest that Numerology isnt "true" (little t) , just that I personally try to make everything into a positive instead of a negative. The whole point of everything being true and also false is that whatever you want to believe is true (little t) to you. So I think that everything you posted about is accurate and real to whatever extent you wish to believe.

Phaedron said:
This is what frustrates and confuses people, they don't get that true and false must eternally dwell side by side. Whether a certain creature actually existed may be ultimately true or false, but the simultaneous notion applies when you get to more complicated stuff like higher dimensions, quantum mechanics, and human spirituality.

Ah, yes. The curse of the old Greyface. This is why people feel empty and confused. They dont know that all they ever need to know about anything they already know and understand. Everything anyone could ever want they already have.

It is like Platos Allegory of the Cave

Plato imagines a group of people who have lived chained in a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them, and begin to ascribe forms to these shadows. According to Plato, the shadows are as close as the prisoners get to seeing reality. He then explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall are not constitutive of reality at all, as he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners.

I think even the smartest people on earth are trapped in the cave. Even as you and I think we understand things we are trapped in the cave.

Plato believed one could trancend the cave though awareness. I dont think humanity is capable this, and these people just find a different cave with different shadows and different illusions.

This does not mean life cannot be beautiful.

It is full of beautiful illusions, and I decided a long time ago to just believe in the beautiful things and be comforted by a semi-ignorant bliss.

My personal truths (little t) are here to aid and comfort me, and I try to disreguard anything negative. But I am human, and I am a descendant of Greyface and I will never truely know infinite happieness. But that doesnt mean I shouldnt try.

Phaedron said:
The next step, my Dischordian friend, is the great work of Magick, yes Magick spelled with a K. You would do well to make this your next great philosophical undertaking. The goal of Magick the communion with ones higher self. I recommend reading Aliester Crowley

I have superficially studied Crowley and the Thelemic Law. While I dont know everything I found it to be selfish and unneccesary. Im not really interested in bending reality (little r) through some spooky ghosts I think I see. I know these spooky ghosts are just aspects of Higher Self, but there are much easier ways to create change.

Chaos magic is much more to the point. It has many aspects of Low Magic such as transubstantiation and use of sigils but instead of traditional ceremonial aspects you create your own atmosphere.

But the ultimate test of chaos magic is to want something with all your heart, and then not want it at all.

This is nearly impossible.

I choose to create change though believing in the beautiful things in life.

I am comforted by my beautiful illusions.... For now, at least.

Phaedron said:
Perhaps you would enjoy the articles from which my signature originates: and
If the sentence below doesn't go completely over your head (and I'm pretty sure it won't) then you're ready lol.

It is indeed very interesting, and Im sure Ill look into it in depth soon :)

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