NWO: The Mystery of Numbers

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Oct 1, 2008
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The NWO Agenda, Completely Unraveled in Numbers.

5=10 (Five sided human temple. 1 Male, 0 Female)
6=9 (Male and Female)
3=4 (Space and Time) 3+4=7 (Space+Time=Sabbath)
1=7 (Oneness, Holy 7, one God, Sabbath, rest) 1 God + 7 Sabbath = 8 Infinity
2=8 (Duality, Infinity, 8 is two circles)

10 is where new higher numbers are made, just as 1 male and 0 female are where new children are made.

5+10=15, 6+9=15, 3+4=7, 1+7=8 (15) 2+8=10. (15+15+15+10=55) 5+5=10.

11 Master Planner
22 Master Builder
33 Paths of Cain

/ \
---- -----
/ 5 \
---- -----
\ / \ /
6___ (4)______9


/3\ Trinity of Space
\4/ Trinity of Time

As Above
So Below

It used to be that men had power, wealth, and purpose. We treated our women as Queens, they didn't have to work, if they didn't want to. They didn't want to do dirty jobs.
Then the Bankers made themselves Male, and the population Female. Rich Females are effectively Male, Poor males are effectively female. Money = Power = Masculine Force.
Chilvary is dead. It died on the cross. It died along with the sons of men, and everything good and decent in this world was rejected and nailed to the cross with it!

Mask Q Line (10) 55 (1) The Lord


Fem Eye Nine (9) 18 (666) The Harlot

9 Capstone (333)

Chaldean Numerology
Nebuchadnezzar, king of kings
Babylon is Fallen, Fallen!

Satanic Agenda 9 = Destruction of Economy, by ruining it, overspending
Satanic Agenda 18 = Destruction of Family Unit, Sterilization, depopulation
Satanic Agenda 666 = Destruction of God, Spirituality, and Time.

Stage 1: 666 The NWO (New World Order)

God, Creation, and Satan. 2 is company, 3 is a crowd.
Unholy Trinity of NIMROD spread to all cultures.

666=18=9 Usurping the Female 9 (Sun God) 666 is Square of the Sun
Into the Male 666 "Beast" The Rich Banker. The New Chivalry of 9


Stage 2: Depopulation Agenda:

1+8 (1 male, + 2 Lesbian Females (8) 1+8 = 9 (The Lonely Hermit)
1+8 (1 male + 8 (Female is 7 times higher then 1 Male) Matriarchal
1+0 (1 Male + 0 (womb) = 1 new child.) Patriarchal
8 (Female) + 1 (Penis) = 9 (Unnecessary disposable Lonely Male)
18 (Fall of Babylon) 1+8=9 (Rich bankers, and poor disposable males)
1+1 (11 Number of Abyss/Bottomless Pit) Two Homosexual Males

Stage 3: Economic Collapse

Terrible Spending to make Collapse necessary (Problem, Reaction, Solution)
9 (The Lonely Male) Reduce all numbers to single digit. No more $ (Serpent)
9 (Normally female, womb, new life) Just as Virgin Birth makes only a female child.

Conclusion: Men have become Obsolete (God has become Obsolete)

9 = 18 = 666 (Jesus Christ) The Number of a MAN (The Hermit.)
9 = 6 (One Man Alone) x3 666 (As three Persons in a Trinity)

Jesus Christ is 666 https://peopleofyahuwah.wordpress.com/2014/08/29/the-name-of-jesus-christ-equals-666-yahuwah/
The Beast Chi X Stigma

Daniel 5:26 "GOD (7+15+4) has numbered thy kingdom and finished it."
King of Kings 5:27 "Thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting."
Islamic Conquest? 5:28 "Thy kingdom is given to the Medes and Persians."

Today is 9/11. The Beast (9) ascends from the (11) bottomless pit, and goes into perdition.
(I come in the name of the Father. If another comes in his own name, him you will receive.)

(One way to determine if you're a good egg: Be righteous, holy, keep the commandments of God, reject the beast, and his fake nine sided Seal of Apollyon!)

The man whose number is 9, The Son of Perdition Revealed!
...... http://wordatthenet.com/2015/03/20/jesus-is-the-biblical-son-of-perdition/
Virgin Birth = Female Child only. 666 should be female. (The Harlot, 666, is riding the beast, 9)

(Yeshua: I come only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. LSC: I demand you take 666 and worship me, or I'll put you in a Fema Camp!)
(And you will not see me again, until you say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.)

(Jacob wrestles with God and wins. Jacob steals the birthright from Esau. I come as a THIEF. I will yet choose Israel. Jacob is Israel, Esau is Edom.)
(He comes as a people. "If you have done it to the least, you have done it to me.") Therefore I steal the birthright from the one king for all the people.

1 normal male (King in Chess) Loses his kingship when Rich Man Steals 9 away from the Woman!
0/9 normal female (New Life from the Womb) 9 (Queen in Chess, Chilvary, Woman who didn't have to work)
9 Rich Elite Hermitic Male (and poor disposable feminized Lonely Male Hermits)

Conclusion: The 9 became Male, when it should be Female! The rich banker elite made (9) The Women have to Work!

.............. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/donna-henes/sun-goddess_b_884568.html
..................The Sun God became Male when it should be Female!
......................666 became Male when it should be Female!

The "Rock" crushes the feet of Babylon!
Yeshua restored, king of babylon (Lucifer) defeated!



Yeshua killed and turned into Jesus Christ, because he threw out the bankers. He was rejected and the problem got much worse. (Knights Templar invented banking, Crusades, dark ages, etc)
Yeshua, Vegan Essene, opposed temple animal sacirifce. Because we rejected him, the problem got much worse. (Animals in Slaughterhouse, hypocrisy) If you permit eating meat, then do it right!

Nebuchadnezzar = King of Kings
Jesus = King of Kings
Lucifer = King of Babylon, Morning Star
Jesus = Morning Star

(Ezekiel and Jeremiah proven to be false prophets, concerning Babylon vs Egypt) http://www.sanityquestpublishing.com/essays/BabEgypt.html

JOB vs Satan. (Job is transfigured with Daniel (predicted Nebuchadnezzar's dream) and Noah (New Jerusalem, as in the days of NOAH shall the end be.) Job = Joshub = Joshua! Satan = Saturn = Christ! (Victor: Joshua)
Ezekiel 14:14 (Rev 14, second coming of Yeshua) "Though Job, Daniel, and Noah, were it, they are saved by their own righteousness." Job, Noah, and Daniel are in different time zones.

Male sun God (Apollyon) Vs Hebrew Messiah (Victor: Yeshua) Synagogue of Satan defeated! (Pharisee Paul and the Pharisees. Mainstream Judaism and Christianity, the tradition of Pharisees!)
Male sun god (Apollyon) Vs Female Sun God (Woman Clothed with the Sun) Victor: Woman clothed with the sun! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/donna-henes/sun-goddess_b_884568.html

Well maybe. Amen is still the beginning, middle, end, alpha, omega, etc. However that goes.
Azazel, Apollyon, Mark of the Beast Revealed!


Its quite simple, "no corpse', 'no resurrection', case closed!

Yeshua nowhere in the bible narrative "dies". He never becomes dead "proper' in the text. There are 5 words for "dead" in NT, only two mean 'dead' proper (nekros, thanatos). Jesus does not "die" in the NT text, he is spared 'death' and does not die AS THE THEOLOGY ASSERTS. He never becomes a "corpse" and 'nekros' means dead proper in greek. The original gospel (protoevangelion) contains NO RESURRECTION or ascension in the narrative for these two themes were "redacted" later into the text. First century christianity knew no "resurrected" christ, they only knew a sage put to death unjustly. Jesus Christ had to have been crucified under roman law (if an actual historical figure), BY ROME, which means he had to have been a 'criminal' charged with a crime against rome.The end of the gospel of mark has Jesus "dying", thats it!. The bible text claims Jesus was condemned with same condemnation as the two thieves, meaning, he was charged as a thief, murderer, common criminal. Bible theology actually declares jesus was "SAVED" from death, he was spared death. How in the **** the theotards come up with the common narrative as espoused by christardom is beyond me, its NOT in the bible. There are far too many documents written asserting Christ survived Jerusalem and traveled east .Theres too much eastern philosophy in christian doctrine and in the bible to ignore it!.

Mr 12:27 He is not the God of the "CORPSE", but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.

dead = nekros - 'corpse'

Mr 15:44 And Pilate marvelled if he were already "THNESKO": and calling unto him the centurion, he asked him whether he had been any while "APOTHNESKO".

thnesko - to die, be dying, dead man

apothnesko - at the point of death, lie a dying

"Blood and water" is a sign that the HEART IS BEATING.

Aloes, ointments, myrhhs, are all HEALING herbs, they are CURATIVE. The jews did not embalm or preserve bodies, that is against mosaic law. Why 100 pounds of healing aloes and myrrhs and ointments for a "dead body"? And moreso, why bring some of these herbs 3 days after the deceased dies, on top of the already 100 lbs already used prior?


If their was an historical Jesus, he was charged as a criminal by Rome because of the actions of himself and followers. He was crucified but survived it through the help of a few people, pilate included. He survived, went east, and died an old age as an inerrant sage in another country of other customs and language. HES A COMPOSITE FABRICATION IN THE SCRIPTURE!.

Joh 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

"Let him who would be decieved, be decieved"

- Roman Maxum

Jer 20:7 O LORD, *thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived*: thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me.

By the witness of the theology of the NT, if you believe Jesus Christ "WAS NOT A MAN", you are declared........."ANTICHRIST".­.......for antichrist is anyone who denies
Jesus Christ is "COME IN THE FLESH" which is 'doscetism'. Christardianity is wholly 'antichrist' by the NT witness because it believes in a doscetist Christ. This theology of antichrist was placed in the NT for the very reason that the christ story had mutated from that of "son of man" into that of a "son of god". Jesus Christ was declared 'very god' and by "VOTE" in 325 ad at the council of Nicea. The original new testament gospel was a ROMAN MILITARY declaration to the descendants of Caesars legions in honor of their commander and chief and his promises he made to them (taking care of their estates). The flavian/piso families with the help of Vespasians court scribe Josephus, rewrote and refabricated the treatise into the 'evangelion" or rather "GOD SPELL" using a composite character in the person of the inerant Jesus Christ who may or may not have been an historical figure. What is absolutely assured is the majority of it all is "MYTHOS".

"Liberty" is NOT 'Freedom'. Liberty is but a 'leash length'. Slaves get 'liberty', 'sailors' get liberty, *PRISONERS GET LIBERTY!*......

2Co 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is *"LIBERTY"*.

Mt 25:30 And cast ye the unprofitable "SLAVE" into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Why do think the statue of liberty sits in the 'harbour' of new york city, not on "land'? Because USA is under phonician/canaanite/roman corporate trust "ADMIRALTY LAW", LAW OF THE HIGH SEAS!. USA is a "ship" on high seas, A PIRATE, and you all are .............LOST AT SEA..........and "cargo" of the ship!. "LIBERTY" is given to SLAVES/SAILORS/PRISONERS lost at sea or locked in prison!. Its NOT 'freedom'!


I guess its all in the numbers, but there's nothing said here that hasn't been said before by someone else, including exposing the son of perdition. My creativity is with numbers and their meanings. I claim nothing for myself. "If you do it to the least, you do it to me. For I was hungry, thirsty, etc." Yeshua returns as the Common People vs The Bankers.

BeyondShy said:
I have one question for you. What kind of drugs do you take?

Well, I followed Prince Ra-Mose (Moses) into the Wilderness, where they were only allowed to eat Manna, which as Jordan Maxwell pointed out is Psychedelic Mushrooms. I figure after 40 years of only eating that, those Hebrews must've gotten pretty wasted. No wonder they asked for Meat and were bitten by Fiery Flying Serpents, lol.
You know what. I've realized it's all Saturn, Time, it's robotic. I think I finally saw reality as the Matrix. No wonder his number is 9. Everything, it's all been a lie. I don't know if we're supposed to get out of the Matrix, but if this is correct then time really does go around in circles.


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