Rats !

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Does anyone here have pet rats ?

Right now I have two albino females, named Devi and Kali. They are REALLY fat. I give then fish stick and peanuts, so it's my fault.

Rats are not like mice or other rodents. They arent skiddish. In fact, they are very bold. And very loving. I just love their ratty kisses.

If you don't have rats, tell me about your dog or cat or fish or horse or even your kids.

we did. but she got a huge growth to the point of having a hard time moving around and eventually died.
I want a pet rat. But I'm afraid I'd end up letting one of my dogs chase it around for sport.

So no rats.

edgecrusher said:
we did. but she got a huge growth to the point of having a hard time moving around and eventually died.

awww. My last rat, Remington, had a growth but it didnt bother him that much..

Badjedidude -

That dog would eat him !
yes, its best to take care of yourself first. But animals can be a good distraction.
it looks like it ate a rat...

on a side note...I just had an urge to climb on a tabletop and scream like a girl.

Cool Tarantula though...(just not my thing....*shiver*)

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