Reality Check on America's Christian Heritage

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Sir Joseph

A Lonely Life Supporting Member
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Jan 12, 2019
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I know there are many that tout the notion of separation of church and state, not understanding the misinterpreted Jefferson source or founding fathers' actual writings on the matter. The irreligious cling to it though, trying in vain to shelter their worldly environment from any sign of the God that created them and blessed America as an exceptional nation of freedom and prosperity.

The attached article concisely summarizes America's motto and how it's still being displayed publicly despite the current anti-Christian government, media, and cultural environment. I don't expect everyone to like it as I do, but only to recognize reality - that America has a strong Christian heritage. Clearly there's people on both sides of the fence trying to preserve it versus destroy it, but too many people ignorantly deny that it even exists.

This short, excellent article serves as a reality check for those that need it and an enjoyable update for those of us that want God's blessing on America.
A heritage is not the same as History. And a motto or slogan is not a belief; it's a grouping of words. A motto can be spoken sincerely, or without any sincerity.

What matters is the first amendment (it's also short) :

That was the original colonists intention: to ensure protection from religious persecution. Many of them sought freedom from religious persecution in their homelands (as in they were not free to believe as they did).

A government sanctioned religion could gain (and likely would desire to have) the power to enforce, and impose it's beliefs upon the citizenry. To compel some to believe as you do, worship as you do, etc.., is to deprive them of a freedom.

...and the Constitution of the United States of America:
...and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Evidently it would seem, that a government of the people, by the people, for the people, is a government that is likely comprised of people of a variety and multitude of different faiths. Even among "Christians", there are many different types of Christians. I think the problem is, when people confuse church, with state, or state with church. Government and religion are two separate words, because they define two different concepts. Senator, is a different vocation from Priest. Polling booth worker, is a different type of volunteer work than spreading The Good News. They share similarities, but they are different.
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