Hi! Everyone, Im back again anyways Im gonna post this topic here so everybody can read it even guests.
I been really down inside my head, i felt really insecure about myself, i never trust anybody , i tried to smile and laugh most of the time and hide what im really feeling, i been avoiding people scared of rejection that I dont have much to offer them this comes down to what im made of which isnt really much, my lack of skills, lack of knowledge, lack of a better look yep that one too, everything is all because Im nothing.
Im 23 (October 5) and seems like I been wasting all my time, effort and money. everything for me is just a smooth line , repetitive and not changing, i need this line to go in a different direction hopefully somewhere along the top.
And now I met this girl... who i think had made me open my eyes..(same girl) or maybe she just added to my stock and stock of sadness until I cant take it no more! Im done feeling so miserable im done thinking Im done feeling insecure about myself! I cant just accept that Im just gonna be feeling like this for the rest of my life! I cant just sit here watch myself rot in the corner feeling sorry for myself! Its not going to change anything!! I failed and failed and waiting for something good to happen.. I cant wait any longer! This has got to change!
Theres only one thing i know that can help me pull this off and this one is the hardest thing I need to do. Be PROUD of who you are. Self acceptance is the key to escape from the darkness you had long stayed and familiar with. Gather up all my sadness gather up all the anger, the loneliness, the bitterness. And use them to your advantage. I been so idle and done so much thinking now DO SOMETHING about it! somewhere along the track someone might get hurt but dont think about it you been so miserable for too long! its your time to shine!
Yes you accepted that youre just gonna be a bum all your life and then what? You just gonna sit there watch stupid shows on tv? browse the net over and over again looking at ur myspace every 5 minutes? Where you could have been learning something new, doing something new, for the 5 minutes youve wasted?? Yes you are a bum I get that , is that it for you? We only have once chance in this life, theres got to be 1 thing your good at even though you havent found it yet, ask yourself what do you enjoy doing the most? okei let say you like to watch movies, and likes to critic stuff so what if your good at something like this doesnt mean you cant use it! LOt of us can say theres other people whos successful now doing a job not along the line of their skills and talent. But HOW did they get there??? They DID SOMETHING! Even a tiniest effort at a time every 5 minutes of ur life instead of lying on the bed thinking the same thing over and over again, STOP IT! u done enough thinking, now spend every 5 minutes of your life doing SOMETHING! learning something new, read books, take any opportunity that may come along, and if you are stuck in the house IDLE because theres no choice grab something in the house a book to read, or go online searching for info, looking at variety of things other than ur myspace, well okei you can look at it like every now and then but limit yourself twice or 3 times a day of checking is suffiecient.
SO your feeling lonely and depressed , ask yourself is there a way out of it? well no theres no way out of it once your feeling lonely and depressed thats it. BUT is there anything you can do to stop feeling that way? if theres none which mostly is the case, why would let yourself FEELING miserable while others you care for DONT EVEN GIVE A DAMN CARE or DONT EVEN know your feeling like this for you???! Okei you care for them too much that it hurts, yea we get that its painful what do you think theyre doign now? do they know that youre hurting? do they even bother to stop and think how you are doing? while here you are feeling ****** and crappy as always, there they are having the time of their life!!! Doesnt sound fair right? You been hurt so much..its tearing you up inside, use it!
You only get 1 chance... You we, I suffered enough. if still doesnt sink go out for a while outside the house! enjoy the sunny day, take a stroll, look up in the sky, the clouds go by.. make yourself at peace. You will come to realise its about time, its about time. I have to do something! I may fail and fall but I BEEN THERE theres nothing I cant handle! I will just get up my feet and realize it didnt hurt that much its because you are use to being hurt , you been miserable and you know the feeling. Theres only one thing left to do. Keep on getting up , keep on trying. dont stay on the floor.. you been there, it was empty theres nothing there, its loneliness, its pain, you felt it so many times you cant even measure how much it went down on you... YOU ARE USED to the pain, NOW USE IT to your advantage! you are invincible! DO SOMETHING about IT!
Note to myself and everyone else
Count me in! Will you join me?
I been really down inside my head, i felt really insecure about myself, i never trust anybody , i tried to smile and laugh most of the time and hide what im really feeling, i been avoiding people scared of rejection that I dont have much to offer them this comes down to what im made of which isnt really much, my lack of skills, lack of knowledge, lack of a better look yep that one too, everything is all because Im nothing.
Im 23 (October 5) and seems like I been wasting all my time, effort and money. everything for me is just a smooth line , repetitive and not changing, i need this line to go in a different direction hopefully somewhere along the top.
And now I met this girl... who i think had made me open my eyes..(same girl) or maybe she just added to my stock and stock of sadness until I cant take it no more! Im done feeling so miserable im done thinking Im done feeling insecure about myself! I cant just accept that Im just gonna be feeling like this for the rest of my life! I cant just sit here watch myself rot in the corner feeling sorry for myself! Its not going to change anything!! I failed and failed and waiting for something good to happen.. I cant wait any longer! This has got to change!
Theres only one thing i know that can help me pull this off and this one is the hardest thing I need to do. Be PROUD of who you are. Self acceptance is the key to escape from the darkness you had long stayed and familiar with. Gather up all my sadness gather up all the anger, the loneliness, the bitterness. And use them to your advantage. I been so idle and done so much thinking now DO SOMETHING about it! somewhere along the track someone might get hurt but dont think about it you been so miserable for too long! its your time to shine!
Yes you accepted that youre just gonna be a bum all your life and then what? You just gonna sit there watch stupid shows on tv? browse the net over and over again looking at ur myspace every 5 minutes? Where you could have been learning something new, doing something new, for the 5 minutes youve wasted?? Yes you are a bum I get that , is that it for you? We only have once chance in this life, theres got to be 1 thing your good at even though you havent found it yet, ask yourself what do you enjoy doing the most? okei let say you like to watch movies, and likes to critic stuff so what if your good at something like this doesnt mean you cant use it! LOt of us can say theres other people whos successful now doing a job not along the line of their skills and talent. But HOW did they get there??? They DID SOMETHING! Even a tiniest effort at a time every 5 minutes of ur life instead of lying on the bed thinking the same thing over and over again, STOP IT! u done enough thinking, now spend every 5 minutes of your life doing SOMETHING! learning something new, read books, take any opportunity that may come along, and if you are stuck in the house IDLE because theres no choice grab something in the house a book to read, or go online searching for info, looking at variety of things other than ur myspace, well okei you can look at it like every now and then but limit yourself twice or 3 times a day of checking is suffiecient.
SO your feeling lonely and depressed , ask yourself is there a way out of it? well no theres no way out of it once your feeling lonely and depressed thats it. BUT is there anything you can do to stop feeling that way? if theres none which mostly is the case, why would let yourself FEELING miserable while others you care for DONT EVEN GIVE A DAMN CARE or DONT EVEN know your feeling like this for you???! Okei you care for them too much that it hurts, yea we get that its painful what do you think theyre doign now? do they know that youre hurting? do they even bother to stop and think how you are doing? while here you are feeling ****** and crappy as always, there they are having the time of their life!!! Doesnt sound fair right? You been hurt so much..its tearing you up inside, use it!
You only get 1 chance... You we, I suffered enough. if still doesnt sink go out for a while outside the house! enjoy the sunny day, take a stroll, look up in the sky, the clouds go by.. make yourself at peace. You will come to realise its about time, its about time. I have to do something! I may fail and fall but I BEEN THERE theres nothing I cant handle! I will just get up my feet and realize it didnt hurt that much its because you are use to being hurt , you been miserable and you know the feeling. Theres only one thing left to do. Keep on getting up , keep on trying. dont stay on the floor.. you been there, it was empty theres nothing there, its loneliness, its pain, you felt it so many times you cant even measure how much it went down on you... YOU ARE USED to the pain, NOW USE IT to your advantage! you are invincible! DO SOMETHING about IT!
Note to myself and everyone else