Red Dead - A few years late, but hey.

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2012
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I'm kind of a fan of open world games. Mainly because all I do in most video games is spend an exorbitant amount of time exploring, even when that's really not the point. So after finishing LA Noire, I went out and got Red Dead Redemption.
My face looks like this:

Anyone else a fan? Unfortunately I sort of already know how it ends, but oh well. But anyway, now I'm exponentially more ecstatic about summer's near arrival than I was yesterday. Because only three more weeks until my depressingly monotonous life gets an unhealthy dose of WESTERN.
Also there's an undead version.
What .____.
I will be purchasing that simply because it exists.
I'll be honest, i wasn't a fan of RDR. The best thing that I think you can do in that game is fight a bear and a wolf... which I did. And haven't played it since. Although, I wanted to play their zombies. That looked really fun.
A bit OT, I'm waiting for GTAV - I love exploring open world games but I need a car/helicopter to do it, even in virtual worlds I'm lazy!

PS for GTA Vice City once I unlocked 'copters I pretty much did every mission using one - Only GTA I ever got 100% on.
i was super stoked for red dead but then i played it a bit and never went back. normally im a completionist when it comes to stuff like this. and i love open world games. 100% in GTA IV, played and did as much as i could in oblivion, skyrim, and fallout 3(not new vegas.... yet). for whatever reason though, red dead just didnt do it for me at the time. ill have to try it again and see if i get super into it this time like i normally do. too much to catch up on though. i still have to finish assassins creed 3, deus ex human revolution, borderlands 2 DLC, and far cry 3. id like to replay dragon age 1 and 2 as well. still some DLC from origins id like to get and play.
Ever played Just Cause 2? Thats a fun little open world game.
Edward W said:
Ever played Just Cause 2? Thats a fun little open world game.

i played the first one and did everything in the game. played a little of the second one and got stuck on this really hard side mission and never went back to it. gameplay wise that game is a blast. literally. the grappling hook mechanics in that game are amazing and so much fun to mess around with. as ive gotten older though i have seemed to lean more towards games with great stories and characters as opposed to games that are more action oriented. i end up playing a game for the same reason i watch a movie i guess. ill still play the action games here and there for some achievements maybe, but thats it. not as much as i used to though because i used to be able to rent games for free at work but that time has come and passed. i used to sort of not like that job, but now i sort of miss it, lol.
I played Red Dead late. Only got to mexico and neighbour took it back to finish it.

Good game but having to fast travel or ride everywhere was tedious and I'd probs have to be in the mood for it

The leaving a woman on the tracks achievement is funny but never actually got round to doing it myself
I loved this game. Really memorable characters and a great, classic western story. Amazing fun and so immersive. I actually can't think of anything i disliked about it. I'd put the game above GTA IV.

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