hmm I have similar problems is it stress related, are you worried about not going anywhere good in life?
It sounds stress related though I am not an expert
you wonder if it might be anxiety, why is that? Do you feel nervous or restless when you are trying to fall asleep?
have you looked up any wiki articles on anxeity and insomnia? there are many different kinds of anxiety, are you very often worrying about your future, or things you have to? Like I said probably stress, but if you find it happening often it could be generalized anxiety disorder I had that for a while until it evolved into panic disorder
I'm serious too, like *pokemon evolution theme*
Generalized Anxiety disorder reached level 25 Genralized anxiety evolved into panic disorder
do do dolu do do dod odo
Have you thought about talking to a therapist about it? If it get's so bad that your life is affected it might be good to talk to a professional about it, they can probably help you to figure out what it is
if you haven't already checked them out here are the wiki links
more info
as to fall asleep, the best way without medication ( my therapist tells me to do this a lot , i don't often follow through)
is sleep hygiene, as in get up everyday and go to sleep everyday at the same time, and eventually your body will fall into a rhythm making it easier to fall asleep
if not, nightquell, as well as nightquell+cough syrup helps pretty well for falling asleep
( disclamer I am not responsible if for some reason this causes something bad to happen)
probably not, just make sure you don't take more than like 2 nightquell tables before you go to sleep
and bendaryell helps a little too
Seraquell is really ******* good at calming you down and putting you to sleep like a little baby, but it has a lot of long term risks and can a bit of a dosy to get off of
also exercise is good, if you excersise during the day to help wear yourself out,
and teddy bears making sleepytime a fun and cuddly time