Teacher Receives Only 30 Days For Raping A Student Who Then Killed Herself

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Wtf did I just read?

He raped her, she committed suicide and he gets to be free after 30 days? Did they even ban him from the teaching profession? Because he totally doesn't suit one. Perhaps the judge was bribed or something. Ridiculous.
ladyforsaken said:
Wtf did I just read?

He raped her, she committed suicide and he gets to be free after 30 days? Did they even ban him from the teaching profession? Because he totally doesn't suit one. Perhaps the judge was bribed or something. Ridiculous.
Absolutely appalling isn't it? The judge is going to lose a lot of respect for that judgement, while that teacher is jumping for joy in his mind for getting off so lightly. I'm sure some of the boys in jail are going to have a chat with the teacher.
As much as I may agree with most of what you say, I'd just like to clarify that it was a statutory rape. She consented although she was not of sufficient age for that consent to be legal.

Did he take advantage of her? Yes. Should he have been jailed for much longer? Yes. Is he a *******? Yes. Does he deserve 15 years in prison? Probably not.
For having sexual advances on anyone who is under age, one may be seen as a rapist despite "she said yes".

Personally, I have seen people put on the "List" of offenders, for mild things (I don't agree with the list idea fully). He gets off with 30 days. No known facts about if her verbally abused her, or did/said anything that caused her to break down. We never know the full story (from either side).

I lost my faith in the justice system a while ago.
Some of the judges are just like the government; so out of touch.
Blown away with what the judge did, really tragic what happened to her.....senseless loss of life.
LoneKiller said:
ladyforsaken said:
Wtf did I just read?

He raped her, she committed suicide and he gets to be free after 30 days? Did they even ban him from the teaching profession? Because he totally doesn't suit one. Perhaps the judge was bribed or something. Ridiculous.
Absolutely appalling isn't it? The judge is going to lose a lot of respect for that judgement, while that teacher is jumping for joy in his mind for getting off so lightly. I'm sure some of the boys in jail are going to have a chat with the teacher.

I bet they will. Convicts, as a rule, do not like child molesters. If you're a drug dealer or gang member, that's one thing. But jailbirds & prisoners despise ex-cops & those who commit crimes against children more than anything else. The teacher probably has to be put in solitary confinement to keep the other jailbirds from shanking him.

Incidentally, this is evidence that no justice system can work if those administering it do not have an ethical sense themselves.
She didn't consent. She was emotionally traumatized by it.

I don't care what people argue, 14 year olds are not emotionally mature to consent to adult (as in 50 year old adults) relationships. No matter how mature they act. Even some 18 year olds aren't mature enough to have sex, or put on a condom correctly (I know a 34 year old who has 5 kids because she doesn't know how to use birth control.)

The judge is also a *******, because this was clearly a predator, and he got a slap on the wrist.

Oh well, his picture was published, and this is all over Facebook. It even made it to my favorite news site, "Being Liberal." I have a feeling that some people are going to take matters into their own hands.
Also, I agree that the American legal system is messed up...FUBAR, in fact. It's not about justice but about resolving cases, whether done rightly or not. Along with that teacher getting only 30 days, a short while ago in New York, there was a black man in his early fifties (52, if memory serves). One night five white kids showed up at his house at night, yelling obscenities & threatening to kill the man's son. The punks were on this man's property. So he shot one of them dead. It was clearly self-defense: Five teenagers large enough to be physically dangerous arrived at his house. They outnumbered the man & his son, & threatened them with violence. The police were not there at the time (big surprise) & so there was no one to help them. The man had every right to shoot.

He was sentenced to prison. 15 years if I have it right.
Also, there was a story recently about a recently turned 18 year old girl who was in a relationship with a 14 year old girl. Both of them were still in high school, one a freshman, the other a senior.

She is charged with being a peadofile. Which is outrageous, because both of them are kids. And it was consensual. The only reason that she is being charged is because the 14 year old's parents, who are conservative Christians, are ashamed their daughter is a lesbian and are trying to cover it up.

I imagine it'll be another suicide, where the gay teenager commits suicide before they are 18 because their parents are religious bigoted zealots. This world is messed up.
An hour ago you said that a 14 year old is not mature enough to give consent. Now you're stating that they can, but only if they follow your arbitrarily defined rules. You may have edited the original message to clarify your opinion, but it's still contradictory.

You're essentially saying that they're mature enough to consent, but not mature enough to decide who they want to give that consent to.

I'd argue that an 18 year old should no more be sleeping with a 14 year old than that teacher should have been. There's a HUGE gulf in maturity levels between your average 14 year old and average 18 year old.

If there was an adult sniffing around one of my nieces, 18 or 80, he/she better be able to run...
An 18 year old brain is not the same as a 54 year old brain. You don't suddenly become an adult when you're 18.

In fact, it's that reason why so many teenagers are out on the streets, because their parents threw them out at 18 years old. "You're an adult, get out of my house!" It's severely messed up, 18 year old brains are still growing. Your brain doesn't stop maturing until you're about 25-30 years old!

How many high school students were dating college freshmen back when you were in school? I don't know about you, but it was the thing back in the 1990s. It was pretty common to see 16 year olds dating 19 year olds...they got together when both were in high school, and then continued the relationship. Many of these people ended up married. But, of course, they had to hush it up when the older student got 18 and up, because the legal laws are so ******* STUPID.

And as far as 14 year olds having sex, they will. It's better that they be in love with someone with a 3 or 4 year difference, even if that person is 18, rather than a 54 year old grandpa pedophile. And did you disregard my assertion that the only reason the 18 year old is being charged is because the parents of the younger girl have something against being gay? Because they even admitted to it! "Lesbians are sinners..." Nice message to send to your sexually confused daughter!

And also, the only reason that the legal age was lowered from 21 to 18 was so that the draft could be in place. They wanted to send off 18 year olds to war, so they lowered the age to 18 so that they could.

Again, it has NOTHING to do with maturity, or being an adult.
You're stating opinion as fact. I'm not concerned with the differences between an 18 and 54 year old brain - I'm concerned with the brain of the 14 year old. Whether you like it or not, an 18 year old is legally no different to a 54 year old, and should not be treated as such.

What difference does it make who was dating who when I was in high school and how old they were at the time? Are you implying that because a lot of people are doing something it must be OK?

I didn't comment on the parents motives, because they're completely irrelevant to me. If the sexual orientation of the people involved was the only reason for their concern, I'd be surprised, but I have not seen the story personally, so I'd rather not comment. Either way, the 18 year old is legally in the wrong and will have to live with the consequences.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
She didn't consent. She was emotionally traumatized by it.

I don't care what people argue, 14 year olds are not emotionally mature to consent to adult ...

That's why it's statutory rape.

LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
An 18 year old brain is not the same as a 54 year old brain. You don't suddenly become an adult when you're 18.

In fact, it's that reason why so many teenagers are out on the streets, because their parents threw them out at 18 years old. "You're an adult, get out of my house!" It's severely messed up, 18 year old brains are still growing. Your brain doesn't stop maturing until you're about 25-30 years old!

A person may not be fully mature, but in the eyes of the law you are legally an adult at 18. Or 21 for some things. The term "statutory rape" no longer applies to anyone above the legal age of consent. Legally (unless in certain circumstances, such as being a ward of the state), no one is supposed to take care of you once you turn 18. It's no longer illegal for parents to stop taking care of their child 18 and over.
Yes, and there is a reason why the age of consent was lowered from 21 to 18. It's because they wanted to send off kids to war, and they couldn't do it if there was a 3 year gap.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Yes, and there is a reason why the age of consent was lowered from 21 to 18. It's because they wanted to send off kids to war, and they couldn't do it if there was a 3 year gap.

VanillaCreme said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Yes, and there is a reason why the age of consent was lowered from 21 to 18. It's because they wanted to send off kids to war, and they couldn't do it if there was a 3 year gap.


I'm tired.

I didn't mean age of consent. I meant the age that you become an adult. It used to be 21, like the drinking age.

Here's another messed up news story. A 10 year old girl was caught playing doctor with her 9 year old friend. Now she has to register as a sex offender, because it is statutory rape, at least in the legal system.

I never played doctor, but I'd think it's pretty common among children.

I'm going off topic. But I'm trying to prove a point here. A 54 year old and a 14 year old aren't capable of having an adult relationship. He is a pedophile.

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