The cure...

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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ok... I know that we all had some moments in our life when we were in complete depressions, stress, very sad moments, angry, without any mood, ALONE...

Let's us say our methods of getting rid of this "black line in our life"
(i think i made myself understood)

Tell us your method, or how do YOU get rid of these moments
Yes I've had times in my life when I have suffered extreme depression and felt that life is not worth living for. Well first of all I went to my doctor and was put on antidepressants, I joined two support groups, I joined the gym and also started walking for about 1 hour per day. I tried to keep myself busy as much as I could. It wasn't any overnight cure I can asure you of that, but slowly I started fo feel better. It has got to the point now where I have stopped doing most of these things and I can sometimes feel that I am slipping back down again. So I think that it's definately something that you have to keep on working at.
yep, having a healthy lifestyle will get you healthy. there is no cure, there's only healing. and you gotta heal constantly. a unending battle against lazyness and depression. i bought myself a new bed today; queen sized futon with a high density foam in the middle and cotton and wool layers. really cool.
Oh man, I haven't been on here in 2 months but that's only because I was busy "doing stuff". I don't feel so terribly lonely anymore after the ordeals I've been through this summer. In fact, I think I just had the most rewarding and life changing experience of my life. At least that's how it seems now, but 4 years down the road it might not seem as monumental for me. You might say part of my lonliness is cured now that I have a purpose in life. However, I still don't have (nor have I ever had) a girlfriend or anything like that, so I still feel a little lonely.

Do you mind sharing with us what helped you?

Blue Sky, AWESOME advice. Yes, exercise (which I hate with a passion) is supposed to help alleviate depression. Walking outside is really good for your whole body: The sun helps your skin make Vitamin D, and the fresh air and nature are soothing to the soul.
Any true solution to loneliness must address the inextricable discontent of sheer pointlessness. Activity arbitrarily just won't cut it.
one of the solutions is SPORT... it's a way of life ////

and healthy...

just try..
that's one of my advices
Are you actually convinced that would work for everyone? Is it even working for you?
anything that has to do with art or anime; i love anime so this makes me smile, but sometimes when i feel blue i just write something a song some story or some thought, that makes me feel like i worth something
more opinions ?

how do you think... calling your old classmates? does it help ? or trying to be a friend with a person you know for a long time but never thought he might be your best friend?

trying to go to some public places where you can find people... make new acquaintances...

you can try finding some friends on date sites ( don't know if it really helps, but... you can try...)

you can join some chat/ forums (local sites preferred) ... can build some reputation and make some Offline Meetings ( about 30 - 40 people) .... that will work for sure
Except maybe for being a friend to someone who actually needs one, I would assay the rest as fruitless.
lol ...there is a quote 'there is no cure for sadness.. only FRIENDS' or something like that

things that helped me though my recent hard times...*people on this site. *Writing. *Reshearch (can't spell lol) on my issue(s)...this helped change the way I thought about it(them). *Hobbies (stuff on the net that takes up your time). *Talking to people always helps *lastly ...just being open to all the humour and beauty in life, and making the 'effort' to see that life is more than just ME which makes it really something wonderful!
jales said:
*lastly ...just being open to all the humour and beauty in life, and making the 'effort' to see that life is more than just ME which makes it really something wonderful!

That was really quiet inspiring :) Makes my happier this morning reading that with my cup of tea.
If you're predisposed to depression and loneliness ur basically screwed there is no cure. Exercise and stuff helps short term but long term...not much u can do.

I totally disagree.
Many of our world's greatest artistics and musicians and writers were afflicted with 'melancholy' or depression.

Sunshine REALLY helps. If you live in a dark, rainy place, a vacation to a sunny island can work wonders!
They sell these special lamps that replicate natural sunlight. I'm buying one this weekend. About 200 bucks but SO WORTH IT!
I think being really busy with school and work help me. Just so that my time is occupied. If I'm thinking or day dreaming my thoughts usually turn depressing. If the pain of not having someone won't go away at least I'm not left to focus on it. Hobbies are also a good thing.
Strategy games are a good way for me to kill the time when I finish homework.

Yes, also sunshine is another complete relaxer for me...though not much time for me to be in it with the fickle weather here.

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