The One u love or the one that loves you? - Have I just been so stupid?

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Okay lately so much things have been happening in my life. So there was a guy I met on a trip.Well at first,I noticed that his eyes were always following me everywhere.I am single.I've always been.Not that i'm complaining im only 16 anyways.The guy with the blue eyes was cute,he also seemed to like me alot.So I decided why don't I give it a try.I mean I'm just growing up and becoming seen,u know as a young woman,I decided to try and see what I can do.So I looked back in return a couple of times obviously in a way that indicated interest lol :p

So we were hiking and it was so hard to get down the mountain was so steep and I was stuck with him like midway and he helped me down and we started talking.He said he was 17 and we talked abit.He seemed nice.he made me promise that he'll see me again when we go home.Later that evening there was a party around a fire and we were at the hotel.Everyone was sitting around the fire watching the dance shows.I was cold so I went to my room to get myself a jacket.When I came out of the room it was dark and noone was there (all at the party) and he said hey I'm lost can u help me get out of here I said sure (wth to myself lol lost??) but i said where do u want to go he said im going to a party u too? i said yeah and told me but wait I think im just finding excuses to talk to you.Ok so I was pretty tensed by then but we walked to the party anyway, there was more of that and finally on the last night of our trip he told me not exactly but close " there's something about you, I don't know what exactly that is soo lost for words.I mean,you did something to me.You see,your smile,it's beautiful and not just that ur eyes are the most beautiful,you have the innocence of an angel on your face.I want to know you more.would u like that?" Ok So I was quite surprised and shocked and all cause its the first time ever somebody has been soo nice to me or told me such stuff he said u look pale and I said yeah im anxious he said go sleep on it.I walked outside the reception and the air was cold i was totally lost and my heart i could nearly hear it but not with happiness.No i was scared,so scared.

Now that we've come home we talked a couple of times over msn,he keeps on saying that he wants to know me and that he's never felt that way about anyone and keeps showing concern and stuff ,I've seen his family on the trip they are very decent people.I'm not sure though.I had the feeling from the way he was speaking that he was all set and that he like took my silence as a yes and wanted to start a relationship.He said now that I found u my life is perfect and things like that.He seems mad about me and willing to give anything or it seems like he really cares about me in a strange way.I am not so sure that I want to be with him though.And the fact that he thought I was as willing as him freaked me out so I told him there's something I HAVE to tell u now or never.He said sure go on and promised to be understanding.I told him the truth.I love another guy,so much and i don't think I can stop.Because thats how it really is,he loves me so much and I think he's nice.But there was never those butterflies in my stomach with him,never the nerve impulse everytime I see his face,never anything of the way I feel about the other.Nothing to compare to.And I know that the other guy likes me alot too which leaves me hoping Ill be with him.Makes me unable to think of anyone else,because this I know is liking someone on a whole new level.Well he acted cool with that and even advised me on the other guy.That was both a relief and a surprise.He said he'll always be there for me if I need anything at all.

Am I a mean *****? a stupid one? Leaving what is so real for a possibility even if that will make me so much happier?
What should I do???
(omg sry for long post)
You are neither mean nor stupid; in fact it was brave to be honest with him.

We can't help the way we feel about people; if something isn't there, it just isn't there.
HOLY GOD. Please, for the love of all readers, use paragraphs or reasonable spacing in your post. XD

Well, I don't want to insult you by minimizing your feelings...but you're only 16. Why would you be looking for true love at the age of sixteen? You've barely even begun to experience the world, let alone the vast array of different men available.

I would suggest just taking it easy. Don't worry so much about love right now. Just have fun. If you have fun being with the guy, then be with him. It's really that simple. :) You have so much time later on to worry about love and finding a mate. Right now, I would advise just having fun and enjoying the people that you're with, whoever they are.

And no, you're not a ***** at all. As Steel said, you're honest. :)

Thank you steel,Steve and Sophia :) I feel better now that I've slept on that too.I did the right thing.And hell yeah I'm 16.I'm not looking for a partner or a mate.But he is,and that was very weird and just all strange to me and that's what made me speak up in the first place.He kept going on about how he's working as hard as he could and saving whatever he could so that he can marry when he is 21 =o Ok so I guess I wasn't sure I wanted that at all ,besides someone else consuming all my thoughts.

@Steve: Ouch Sorry for the big bulk lol :p I devided it a bit but I guess you read it before I did.Aww o_O sorrry.
Ive wanted true love since I was 13. There's nothing wrong with wanting to find one special person to be with, instead of lusting after everything that moves.

The guy has a crush on you, you have a crush on someone else, but that's all it is. Passion will go just as easily as it comes, unless you want it to be more.

In ancient days people married young, 13 even. You stayed with the one you married and made it work. Humans are capable of change on every level. Staying together is the Christian way, but monogamy is not for most people, and the ones who do try to embrace it usually wind up still having many relationships, just taking them one at a time.

So take it from me, if you're the kind of person who wants to beat the odds then take it slow and steady and make sure you find someone who feels this way.

If not, then understand you or your partner WILL change and it will end eventually. This is especially true for younger people. If thats the case then save yourself some heartbreak and just have fun.

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