The story of our Immoral society

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When foreigners immigrate to this society they are shocked by
the immorality here. They are shocked by the sexual freedom
and permissiveness of the society, by the total breakdown in
morals. Be they Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu or whatever they are
shocked and disgusted. They generally react by a strict
supervision of their children, keeping them on a short leash,
trying to keep them from all the evil influences of the
society. And, down deep in their heart, they secretly dream
of returning to their homeland (the absence of jobs there
being what keeps them from doing so).

The typical American has been corrupted; he is corrupted down
in his heart and soul; he is spiritually lost.

Evil dominates in our society, Evil influences are everywhere.
We are bombarded continually by evil influences, images and
messages from all directions: TV, radio, movies, books,
magazines, friends, parents, teachers, preachers, etc..

Youth is impressionable. It is almost impossible for it to
survive the constant bombardment of immoral messages, images,
attitudes and temptations without itself becoming infected
and corrupted. The young person is constantly hearing all
the voices that tend to guide down the wrong path and never
hears voices in favor of Goodness, Virtue, Righteousness and
Moral Principle. There is no one speaking up for
Righteousness in this society.

Our custom of dating is a big part of the problem. It is an
imprudent custom that leads to immorality. Moslems,
Buddhists and Hindus don't allow their children to date.
They keep them indoors and under tight rein until they are in
their twenties and old enough to marry. Then they are
expected to meet one person, get to know them under proper,
controlled circumstances, and then to marry them. Meetings
are controlled and chaperoned.

In the animal world the mothers spend a lot of time and energy
teaching and training their young. Mother bears, foxes,
lions, tigers, etc. spend a lot of time teaching their young
how to get food and survive on their own. When the young are
grown they are able to take care of themselves. In American
society children grow up neglected and untaught. Then when
they reach the age of eighteen the custom is to heartlessly
kick them out on their own into a cold, unfriendly world.
The children in America today are growing up without moral
instruction and without the practical instruction needed to
make it on their own. The schools are ineffective. The
atmosphere in them is too free and easy; the atmosphere of
order, discipline and authority that is so important is
missing, and the students are allowed to just pass through
without anything being required of them. The children in our
society are being short-changed not only by the school system
but by their parents. We live in a selfish society. People
are too wrapped up in getting things for ourselves, finding
pleasure, being good to themselves to worry about their
children. They feel that if they provide their children with
food, clothing and shelter that is the extent of their duty.
The children are growing up spiritually and morally neglected
by their parents. Part of the reason is because the parents
are so spiritually and morally vacuous that they have nothing
to give.
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