this is what I dream about

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2007
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apparently. I woke up one morning to find this scrawled on the wall by my bed, about a foot from my face. It's in my handwriting, which is really quite distinct, so apparently I wrote it in my sleep. The part where I wrote on my wall isn't so weird though, I have a sharpie sitting at the head of my bead just for that purpose. Yet somehow... this is written in a wet-erase overhead projector marker (?) so that's a little odd. That, and I have no memory whatsoever of writing it. Even though it does basically detail my outlook on life. Basically. I've broken it up in lines the way that it is on my wall, it's squeezed in the space between a large scribble, a very angular picture of a jolly roger, and a poem half in french and half in english. The last part of it a bit hard to read, it's written over an old and rather emo poem about the world being over (an over-dramatic response to the day in junior high when I went to the grocery store and they where out of diet coke, lol)
So, this thing is metered, but the metering has nothing to do with the line breaks. It just flows a certain way. And I spelled "arranged" wrong. Sorry about that.

Stupidity is complex.
But wisdom is simple.
It is what it is.
I say nothing
or even very
My words
are only
and letters
I have
to have

But the meaning is so
shallow it hardly
holds the words together
until it all begins
to blur into obscurity
and none of it really
ever mattered anyway.

And upon hearing
spoke the final word,
the first has long
since faded from the
mind, the rest
to quickly
such is the
fate of all
I had wrote,
yet here I am
with my pen
at hand,
and I trust
that all I'm
feeling you've
all felt a
thousand times
or more, and
every thought I've
had, you've
thought before.

Perhaps then you could
tell me what it is
that I'll be next
for with each hour
I'm changing to become
all I am not. And if
all I am is what I've
thought, each day I think
anew, but all that I can
find, I find had first been
thought by you. To say
that no one under-
stands, I know would
be a lie, the only
truth I know is
you all must
surely know me
better than
I do.
That's pretty dope.

I wish I had something more useful or profound to say. Sorry, Neanderthal tendencies.
Thanks for sharing.
I can't interpurate that for you.
It is what it is.

I can relate or it makesence to me.
That's the truth. My truth.
thats great, man I'd love to see what your room looks like with all the walls scribbled on, sometime you should take a picture of your walls and put them here so we can see.

I love the poem, you really write in your sleep thats pretty cool.
You didn't write it in your sleep: what happened is that you woke up, wrote the poem, and then didn't retain the memories. When you get woken up for a little while, you generally forget it in the morning - bathroom visits, being woken up by sounds/nightmares, it all fades.

... and if wisdom is simple, then why is it that we work so hard to attain knowledge when ignorance is free and easy?
darkwall said:
You didn't write it in your sleep: what happened is that you woke up, wrote the poem, and then didn't retain the memories. When you get woken up for a little while, you generally forget it in the morning - bathroom visits, being woken up by sounds/nightmares, it all fades.

... and if wisdom is simple, then why is it that we work so hard to attain knowledge when ignorance is free and easy?

We've never met and I don't know you well so I can't tell you about you but I can say that for me and many others, being "awake" or "asleep" is not so concrete. Not that anything really is, in my limited experience of the world. Conscious and subconscious, sleep and wakefulness, it's not black and white. If I had written this while completely awake, I would have remembered it. If I had written it while completely asleep, well, that's not quite possible. At least, not in my experience.
As a note, I wouldn't call it a poem. I'm a whiny little bitch that spouts meaningless crap about things which I have no business to know. Or, so I've been told and am apt to believe.

You have a valid point on both counts, but if you don't mind I'll continue with nit-picking.

"Wisdom" and "knowledge" are, to me, quite different creatures. While one might posses vast quantities of knowledge, they are not in necessity also wise. In my (limited) experience, to be wise requires very little wisdom, though obviously it couldn't hurt.

This is merely my opinion, if you wish to further express yours I would much like to read it.
"In my (limited) experience, to be wise requires very little wisdom"

That's an obvious contradiction. What you are trying to say is that wisdom requires no "factual" knowledge, etc.: however, all wisdom requires a great deal of knowledge, whether of the human condition or whether of life.

You cannot be wise and also ignorant. You can be ignorant of certain things - all of us are - but not in that which you are considered wise. All wisdom is complex, for it is shaped by experience. I'm sorry, but this isn't a debate - if you look up the word, you will see that it is to possess knowledge, understanding: these can only be shaped by a complex mass of absorbed learnings. Ignorance is far more simple - hence, why we call someone "simple".

With regard to the whole "sleep" thing - I was just informing you that you were awake. Some things are subjective, like beauty, but wakefulness is not subject to such interpretation. Yeah - you "could" have been lucid dreaming, but in all probability you woke up, wrote this down, and forgot about it. It's highly romantic to think that you wrote this while dreaming, but the fact is that the chances of this are infinitesimally small.
darkwall said:
"In my (limited) experience, to be wise requires very little wisdom"

That's an obvious contradiction. What you are trying to say is that wisdom requires no "factual" knowledge, etc.: however, all wisdom requires a great deal of knowledge, whether of the human condition or whether of life.

You cannot be wise and also ignorant. You can be ignorant of certain things - all of us are - but not in that which you are considered wise. All wisdom is complex, for it is shaped by experience. I'm sorry, but this isn't a debate - if you look up the word, you will see that it is to possess knowledge, understanding: these can only be shaped by a complex mass of absorbed learnings. Ignorance is far more simple - hence, why we call someone "simple".

With regard to the whole "sleep" thing - I was just informing you that you were awake. Some things are subjective, like beauty, but wakefulness is not subject to such interpretation. Yeah - you "could" have been lucid dreaming, but in all probability you woke up, wrote this down, and forgot about it. It's highly romantic to think that you wrote this while dreaming, but the fact is that the chances of this are infinitesimally small.

hahaha! I meant "In my (limited) experience, to be wise requires very little knowledge" -clearly I've got neither. Airhead. lol.
ok. I know what I mean, but I guess I'm not articulating. Ah well, I was commenting on the way I percieve wise and stupid people. I asume anyone that isn't retaded to be vastly superior to me in all cognitive matters. To me, that's simple enough. I'm dumb (not to be confused with stupid) so just about everyone has more knowledge than me. On the other hand, people that are stupider than me perplex me to end. If that makes sence, which seeing as I wrote it it obviously won't. Anyway, sorry about that.

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