And you're still bothered? Ladies and gentlemen, meet insanity. It is revealing itself in its purest form. Albert Einstein once defined insanity as performing the same activity over and over again and expecting different results. You're not unlucky in life. You're insane. I don't say this to be mean, but you need to get help. You are stalking someone via the internet, getting blocked and then wondering why he blocks you. You do not have a right to someone's attention. Those people he has on Facebook who he doesn't block are people he has met in reality (at school, work, socialising etc) and not some random woman who added him on Facebook. They are people he knows.
A girl added me on Facebook today. She lives in China. Has seven friends and one of them happens to be a girl I work with. I've never met her. Never spoken to her. Didn't even know she existed. I'm sure she is a pleasant person so I didn't accept her friend request. That is what is happening to you. He doesn't know you. He doesn't like you. Get over it. Make real friends and then talk to them on Facebook. Add your own picture. Your real personality.
You need to get help. Honestly. Posting here isn't helping you. People keep telling you what is wrong but you don't listen. I fear that one of these days someone will just out and out tell you the very harsh truth we all know about you and they won't sugar coat it. Now, I'm not a bad bloke so that won't be me, but love, you're the problem.
Oh and yes, I do know that he had no right to block you and you were being all friendly and then out of the blue he blocked you while he kept 600 others on his account. I know, it's not fair to you and you can't win. Just thought I'd save time for you before you repeated your story again. Now,, I'm off to make an account that repeats the same story I've already told. I just don't think people heard the first time.