Two teachers I had in high school inspired me and still in my life.I was bullied a lot in high school for being me and it hurt.Good thing was I had a couple teachers that were there for me.Also inspired me a lot telling me not to give up being me.They both witnessed the bullying and wrote the students up whom did it to me sent to the principals office.My parents were glad they were there for me.I graduated in 1997 and made a surprise coming to visit in 1998 to see them.I was 5 months into being fulltime.They were talking coming up to them and seen I changed big time.Said I changed big time and the last time they seen me when I was dressed as male.Told them I go by Jaelyn now and much happier as a fulltime crossdresser.They saw I was the male with a femme side.I looked at them telling them thank you for inspiring me not to give up for being me.Told me that they do not give up on the students.Both are retired now and still see them.They call me Jaelyn now as well.