I don't have to know your specific harm from past men or relationships CenotaphGirl to understand somewhat the feelings you harbor. It's a common occurence among many and I've heard enough stories to recognize the abundant hurt being dispensed from all sides against others - and that really does include women against men as well as men against women. But not all guys are dogs and not all girls are *******. Even in this messed up society and culture there remains a large number, and perhaps even majority, of people that are generally kind and respectful to others. Unfortunately, we're often impacted more by the few negative experiences or people in our lives than the larger world of positive ones.
It's hard to ignore or let go of the bad and focus on the good, but Paul teaches us to do this in Philippians 4:8 - good advice for everyone, believers or not. You should know it well by now and take it to heart:
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Virtually all of my Christian and Catholic friends are quiet and passive with their faith just as I was for most of my life. As long as they restrain their views in public and hang out with similar minded people, they face little conflict over their beliefs. That's what society wants. As I've grown older and stronger with my own faith though, I've become bold in expressing Biblical views and trying to influence others towards its truth. No doubt, my outspokenness has invited attacks against me since the current secular culture now deems the Biblical world view as unacceptably hateful, bigoted, and ignorant. Thus, speaking godly truth today publicly is bound to reep backlash.
With Christians being murdered, beaten, burned out, and imprisoned for their faith each day around the world, I consider verbal assaults against me to be very minor, tolerable persecution. Yes, hatred is prevalent these days towards many people for many reasons. But how fortunate we are to be hated for something that is good and right - a cause that will ultimately see us rewarded in the future for our beliefs and actions.
I encourage you CenotaphGirl to be bold with your faith, and in time, you'll gain other Christian friends or church family members that counter the hate with love. And as you change your social environment, I think you'll also find a substantial population of men that will treat you respectfully, kindly, and right. In a (good) church particularly, you should and will grow stronger, feel safe and supported, and slowly replace your past bad relational experiences with new good, healthy ones. Seriously, character comes from the heart, not by gender. If you pursue relationships with godly people, you'll find love and acceptance coming from both men and women.
God bless you for being on the right track.