I don't have a car.
Plane ticket would cost me probably about the same amount as the co-pay.
I'm sure I'll be fine, just the thought of it this morning really made me anxious.
It's been on my mind the last week and I haven't told anyone about it yet.
I've had a very tiring and very frustrating last month.
Phone broke, had to replace it. Switched service providers, effectively got locked out of both my bank account and my google account. New phone isn't working right and the new service provider is giving me the runaround, the impromptu surgery that I put off for so long that it's now a priority was just the cherry on the top. So this morning, I kind of ran out of ***** to give. I'll be fine, and in all actuality even though it'll suck trying to rectify the money situation after it'll probably suck less without the physical lethargy. I'm fortunate that my doctor isn't an *******. He might not be the most sympathetic, but most of the local doctors here are just outright grouchy. I think that comes from the conflicts that they have with the local patients though. He knows me, actually. Like from childhood. My memory is a bit shoddy, but he remembers me well enough after 20something years.