Everyone need some down time to recharge, rest, or to just mellow the **** out.
Our consious mind operate as its best when things are familar.
Theres two blind spots on your eyes...from the vessels to your brain.
Your brain actaully create faults images to cover those blinde spots so it can function.
Well some poeple creates fucken other delusions to keeps themselvse in thier comfortzone
even though its not productive for them or unhealthy for them..
The modern term for that is laziness or dysfunctional...becuase we're suppose
to be well to do people building towers to the heavens?lol
As humans Were still fucken mamals...we flock together. Which is your basic
instinks, Its built into our DNA.
The so call fucken 7 deadly sins are our basic
animal instinks. As humans our brain develope for the amphiam brain.
The Pains of loniness is your brain telling ya to go out and **** someone?LOL
eithic...realigion...morals...blah are all fucken ideas created by man to whatever
the fucken a wonderful cilvilations should be...
But not all fucken humans are the same...such as fucken ants.
Different spicys of ants living in differnt envirnments...etc...ect.
So you cant just be saying oneway of living or believing is best for everyone.
Hence all the fucken conflicts...outcasted...blah..blah blah therefor fucken pockets
of squard pegs that dont fit exactly into the fucken hole or schemale of whatever idea
certain groups of people have tht wants to dominate the world with thier so call idea,
Hilter bascailly tried to do the samething...just like the spaniards or Romans dominate the world
at one time through force or power. Just like certain groups of people thats still doing same ****
Like WTF dude???
How come Jesus never sermon to a fucken eskimo?
Was an eskimo ever mentioned in the bible?
Evidently a fucken Eskimo didnt write the bible?
Dont trippp dude...I went to church this morning and it's Christ based or the teaching of Christ.
I just listen to positive messages the ministor is teaching me so that I live a happier and productive life.
I listen for the principles....not the personalities or style of teachings.
Plus there's really fine women there...healthy, happy and productive women.
Just kidding dude...
I love Renae very much. I feel Im on the right path.
For some reason when I here certain message the minsitor teaches...My life makes sense to me or helps me to nothing give up
Keeping the faith . Having hope and all that good stuff
Plus as i say...it fills my need of belonging...so I that I dont **** up and wanna belong
in the unhealthy life style I was living before and get into some really negative ****.
It eases my feelings of lonliness so that I dont isolate.
Im not going be a monk or a preacher...dude.
I love Reane very much. I wish to marry her. God willing and she's willing.
She say that she loves me very much. I believe that.