I'm not sure if I can relate, but I felt like I get you when you said:
I'm turning 26 soon and I feel like I'm running out of time to do all the things I want to do, to move out of my location and start a new life afresh, to have loads of pets and start a family and have babies on top of all the things I wanna do out of my interests.
It seems like you're in a dilemma of what you should pursue. I think when I was 21, I never really knew what I wanted to do, heck, even now I'm not even sure.
I'll say you do the thing that you enjoy doing most, even if it's really difficult to get to it, you can at least get started to work towards it from now on, rather than you start later. You're young, bright and full of energy, it's the best time to start preparing for where you'd like to be in the future.
As for me, I certainly feel I'm a little late, at almost 26 I am only starting to actually live...
I wish you good luck though, keep us updated.