What is your daily routine?

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007
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If you have one, that is?

For me, my routine kicks in shortly after I wake up: I take several supplements(omega-8, piracetam, choline, creatine and coconut oil) with some antioxidant drink, usually 100% pure cranberry or grape juice. I try to have breakfast heavier on protein, usually chicken or fish(often kippers).

I then walk to the nearby Starbucks, get something caffienated(an indulgence, but I also believe that the caffiene + glucose has a beneficial effect), and circle around to the gym for my apartment(I used to drive the very short distance but realized that seemed counterintuitive to the entire intent). I always have 15-20 minutes of cardio - I usually put in some effort for upper body or core, though I can occasionally get lazy and stop after the treadmill.

After that, I return home, shower, brush, and shave. I then put in between 30-45 minutes to study or use Brain Workshop - something that'll hopefully stress my mind to promote growth. Then its the rest of the day; although I"m thinking that I should slot half an hour afterward to plan out the rest of the day.

All in all, it takes around 2 hours, but it seems to be well worth it. So, what is your routine, or routines, if you have any? I'm always curious.

1. Smoke A Cigarette
2. Put Coffee On
3. Shower
4. Make Oatmeal
5. 2 Hours On Studying Chess
6. Surf The Web
7. 1 Hour Studying The Bible
8. Gaming
Don't really have many (if any) routines in my life, but my weekdays usually goes something like this:

1. Wake up by alarm clock
2. Hit snooze button 2-3 times
3. Roll out of bed
4. Do random stuff during about 15-20 minutes before leaving for work
5. Be at work
6. Make dinner, eat dinner and watch TV
7. Do something random
8. Feel guilty about not having done any housework or other pressing tasks
9. Go to bed

The only actual routines I have, is my job five days a week, and my dance class every Tuesday. I could probably benefit from more routines.
1.) Wake up
2.) Computer.
3.) Breakfast.
4.) Do homework right before class.
5.) Class.
6.) Check ALL, check fb
7.) Class
8.) Homework.
9.) Read a little dean koontz.
10.) Bed
My daily routine is very boring.

1. Wake up (It's so annoying! *beep beep beep*) -_-
2. Bathroom
3. Change clothes
4. Breakfast
5. Run to the bus stop (I hate mornings, and when I'm very sleepy, I am more slow, so I almost have to run!)
6. Work (Lunch at there)
7. Back home
8. Dinner
9. Turn on computer
10. Sleep

SophiaGrace said:

That's a surprise, Would not had thought you go on that :eek: lol
Some your posts on there are good :)

Wake up and head straight for the kettle.
Me need tea be for I do anything.
Then check FB out.
Then Liston to radio and play silly card game or something on on line.
Then drink moor tea. Then shower and food then start the day.
Normally by then its like 11am
work out

In there is also sleeping, grocery shopping, eating, and stressing.
1. Wake up
2. Go to class
3. Eat lunch while browsing internet
4. Go to the remainder of classes and study/surf internet and ALL inbetween
5. Eat dinner while browsing internet
6. Study as much as I feel necessary while browsing internet
7. Stream t.v. shows or anime off internet
8. Get a warning about bandwidth usage
9. May or may not read
10. Check ALL/fb/mail until late night (technically early morning)
11. Shower (alternates between nights and mornings)
12. Sleep while browsing internet (kidding)

I'm on the computer for probably 70% of my day if I include sleep.... 80% if taking notes on my laptop during class counts too.
silver birch leaves said:
I have no routine at all :( Each day is different

Why do you have a sad face for that? That's great! I wish there was variety in my day too, besides what I'm wearing, what I eat, and what I study.
~ Work
~ Home
~ Take my daughter to various activities
~ Home
~ 15 mins of tv while eating
~ 15 to 30 mins online
~ Chores
~ Read
~ Bed
At least 2 cups of tea
*do stuff*
It gets light
Go to bed

& repeat...
Wake up
Do transcription jobs
Do more transcription jobs
Dinner (maybe movie)
Play League of Legends, or watch a movie on netflix, or catch up on all my mangas/anime

Constantly during the day whenever I get bored or have time I will check up on forums, reddit, blogs, and chat with people.
Wake up,
eat a low fat breakfast
Spend about 20 minutes trying to choose what to wear
go to lectures/etc
come home
talk to housemates
cook/make a nice dinner
usually throw up said dinner
bugger around online
1. Wake Up
2. Read the News/These Forums while eating breakfast.
3. Study
4. Work out
5. Lunch
6. Read the News and be on these Forums
7. Video Games
8. Dinner
9. Movie/Video Games
10. Watch an episode of Monk or House
11. Sleep
Going to work if it's Mon-Fri. I also work out every MWF. Those are the only routine things for now, although I'm supposed to start volunteering soon but that will be one day a week. I'd like to add other things to this schedule.... perhaps dance lesson, guitar lesson etc but one thing at a time.
I never have one fit routine, I kinda just do whatever the **** I feel like. But recently, it's gone as follows:

1. Wake up extremely late. Often, my bf calling me is my "alarm clock.
2. Listen to him talk for awhile, eventually get up and go pee.
3. Park my ass in front of the computer, and think about what to do that day.
4. Eat something.
5. Eventually get off phone/computer/ass/all three and take a shower.
6. In shower: Wash hair, maybe condition, wash face+ body, decide what to and not to shave, get out.
7. Towel dry, decide whether to or not to put on robe, and back to computer.
8. Eventually, throw on some clothes, often in between going back to computer.
9. Sit on computer and decide what to do.
10. Often decide to continue to sit on computer.
11. Eventually, go to bed.

I hate myself sometimes. (d) But other times, I spend most of my time doing things. I'm just stuck in a bit of a hole at the moment.
i have routines for everthing.
from brushing my teath to putting on my shoes.
gonne take me all week to write em all down :p
meekthoughts said:
silver birch leaves said:
I have no routine at all :( Each day is different

Why do you have a sad face for that? That's great! I wish there was variety in my day too, besides what I'm wearing, what I eat, and what I study.

I'm an extremely disorganised person. I try to do too many things at the same time, often without finishing half of them. Nothing to be proud of. I'm jealous of your age and studying...

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