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user 190794

New member
Jul 29, 2023
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I guess I'm here because I've finally accepted the fact that I will always be a lonely failure. I've been looking for work since November. I have no car, so I can only get remote work thanks to the lack of public transportation in my area. Despite a good education and lots of experience, I haven't been able to land any good jobs. I moved back to the US after living overseas for a long time because I wanted to be closer to my family, but I haven't seen a single family member since my return last September. I chose this city because I know a lot of people here and thought I'd have friends and a decent social life here, but so far those friends have been utterly disinterested in spending time with me. I've tried dating apps but zero success there. Food is my only comfort, so I've gained ungodly amounts of weight. I'm very depressed and see zero light at the end of this tunnel. I feel like I made the best choices I could t every fork in the road, yet somehow I still wound up here. Broke, alone, miserable.

So this is the right website for people like that, right? The hopeless? What's up.
Hey, it seems you are having a bad time right now but please dont try to stay in it, there is always hope how hard it might seem. I wouldnt say this forum is for the hopeless but we do welcome everyone.

I hope you find what you are looking for. Have you tried exercise?

Also did you visit family? You say you havent seen any but maybe just visit first?
Dont give up I'm sure it will all turn out fine!!
I guess I'm here because I've finally accepted the fact that I will always be a lonely failure. I've been looking for work since November. I have no car, so I can only get remote work thanks to the lack of public transportation in my area. Despite a good education and lots of experience, I haven't been able to land any good jobs. I moved back to the US after living overseas for a long time because I wanted to be closer to my family, but I haven't seen a single family member since my return last September. I chose this city because I know a lot of people here and thought I'd have friends and a decent social life here, but so far those friends have been utterly disinterested in spending time with me. I've tried dating apps but zero success there. Food is my only comfort, so I've gained ungodly amounts of weight. I'm very depressed and see zero light at the end of this tunnel. I feel like I made the best choices I could t every fork in the road, yet somehow I still wound up here. Broke, alone, miserable.

So this is the right website for people like that, right? The hopeless? What's up.

I understand wanting to move back close to family and friends, but choosing to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world without a good job is not prudent.

First of all, know that your success in this life is not ultimately judged on how well your career or finances are going, nor does loneliness equate to failure. In other words, reject your misguided feelings, turn to God for strength, and make a plan.

Might I remind you that there's a severe labor shortage in the country these days, making it easier to get a job than any time during my past career. Go on-line and start looking for a decent job in a nice, small, pleasant, affordable town where you can make a good, new start. If you're educated, experienced, and still reasonably able, this country still offers you plenty of reason to pursue the good life you desire. Stay optimistic, but get movin' on it.
Welcome to ALL.
I want to echo what Murakami asked. Did you go visit them or just expect them to come to you? Maybe a mixture of both? Maybe it's a bad time for them? How far are you from them? There are so many questions and explanations about why it hasn't happened yet, so no, you definitely should feel like a failure because you aren't....unless of course you've given up entirely. As for dating sites....they aren't easy for anyone (regardless of what some people might say), so give it time and keep trying.
And the job situation. I don't know what field you are in or want to be in, but there are plenty of jobs you could do from home. They aren't all glamorous, but a lot of them pay the bills. But unless you are in the middle of nowhere (I'm there, so if you are, I completely understand), there must be some kind of job within walking distance. No, it may not be what you want, but it doesn't have to be forever. Even fast food would get you out there making money and talking to people on a daily basis, which would help. And while you do that, you can continue looking for the type of job you want.
I guess I'm here because I've finally accepted the fact that I will always be a lonely failure. I've been looking for work since November. I have no car, so I can only get remote work thanks to the lack of public transportation in my area. Despite a good education and lots of experience, I haven't been able to land any good jobs. I moved back to the US after living overseas for a long time because I wanted to be closer to my family, but I haven't seen a single family member since my return last September. I chose this city because I know a lot of people here and thought I'd have friends and a decent social life here, but so far those friends have been utterly disinterested in spending time with me. I've tried dating apps but zero success there. Food is my only comfort, so I've gained ungodly amounts of weight. I'm very depressed and see zero light at the end of this tunnel. I feel like I made the best choices I could t every fork in the road, yet somehow I still wound up here. Broke, alone, miserable.

So this is the right website for people like that, right? The hopeless? What's up.
Sadness weights as ****.
Is like having something really Big, like the Word but with a metal stick in between so, hurting us everything we walk. Time flyes away i don't know how old You Buy if You are young please use this time for any reason yo make You free something. Put You life on the like, FEEELLLL because when You get older the ONLY thing that You are going to remember is regret.and living with the **** kills You every**snd.
Ah and never surrender to anybody. At the end they don't get You or they would judge. Jst have fun and the die happy.
I am trying to edit or delete my comment. Why isn't that option available?
If you click on your login name in the upper right hand corner, and then on the new page, in the left pane, at the bottom, it should say 'delete account.'

Sometimes you can do everything right and end up on the wrong end of things. And sometimes people mess up and all about, and land on their feet. It's an interesting world to be sure.

Good luck and fare well @yzudak , if you decide to leave.

Also apparently I can't read >.<

I thought you were trying to delete your account.

You can't edit a comment after... (24 hours?) I think it is. So there is only a 24 hour or so window to edit a comment, and then it's locked in. And a comment or thread can't be deleted once it's been made. You can only make edits.
I guess I'm here because I've finally accepted the fact that I will always be a lonely failure. I've been looking for work since November. I have no car, so I can only get remote work thanks to the lack of public transportation in my area. Despite a good education and lots of experience, I haven't been able to land any good jobs. I moved back to the US after living overseas for a long time because I wanted to be closer to my family, but I haven't seen a single family member since my return last September. I chose this city because I know a lot of people here and thought I'd have friends and a decent social life here, but so far those friends have been utterly disinterested in spending time with me. I've tried dating apps but zero success there. Food is my only comfort, so I've gained ungodly amounts of weight. I'm very depressed and see zero light at the end of this tunnel. I feel like I made the best choices I could t every fork in the road, yet somehow I still wound up here. Broke, alone, miserable.

So this is the right website for people like that, right? The hopeless? What's up.
Sorry to read that nothing has worked out as you had hoped. What is your area of expertise, the skills you have acquired and the education you completed?

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