The world fell today.
Shattered and broke to pieces
scattered in all the right places
dry in every step.
The air was colder today.
Took my breath away.
Moody atmosphere,
crumbling like the stars
falling to the ground
too anxious to die.
i wonder what had changed ?
Words were felt today.
Deeper they cut,
down into the skin
where they hit hearts.
Those lonely figures
doubled over from the pang,
cried from the hurt.
Everything died one day.
Will it ever be the same..?
Like the days the sun would shine
bright, in happy moods.
Spreading joy
with warming love.
Did i tell you the sun was crushed today ?
i wept for it too.
It sunk into the earth
where it hit the ground.
It sat there in lament.
Comforted in a way
that would be hard to explain to you.
The world fell today.
shattered and broke to pieces
ceased as it scattered in all the right places.
A scene too ailing for such a naked eye.
But hey, wish you were here.
Shattered and broke to pieces
scattered in all the right places
dry in every step.
The air was colder today.
Took my breath away.
Moody atmosphere,
crumbling like the stars
falling to the ground
too anxious to die.
i wonder what had changed ?
Words were felt today.
Deeper they cut,
down into the skin
where they hit hearts.
Those lonely figures
doubled over from the pang,
cried from the hurt.
Everything died one day.
Will it ever be the same..?
Like the days the sun would shine
bright, in happy moods.
Spreading joy
with warming love.
Did i tell you the sun was crushed today ?
i wept for it too.
It sunk into the earth
where it hit the ground.
It sat there in lament.
Comforted in a way
that would be hard to explain to you.
The world fell today.
shattered and broke to pieces
ceased as it scattered in all the right places.
A scene too ailing for such a naked eye.
But hey, wish you were here.