Hmm, perhaps we've drifted off topic a little. Still, I feel that because of societal expectations, being ugly in itself is against the social norm. Now that would be an interesting study. Still, I'll tail off a few points, apologies for making folks go off topic. Like I said earlier, it's something I feel quite strongly about.
You know what? That's exactly how I feel and it's why I would never post mine in the Let's see the faces! thread.
There are a few people here on this forum that I sent my photo to in the past and they all reported back to me their monitor began acting funny as soon as they viewed it. They threatened to send me the bill for a new one.
True story.
Wow... Now I'm definitely not doing that, heh. Seriously, least they could have said a straight answer. Unless there was genuinely something wrong with the file... I doubt that though.
means nothing. I know I am extremely unattractive and women aren't interested. No matter how confident or happy I am.
Actually, studies have been done which show that positive thinking works wonders. Most famously when a bunch of christian scientists tried to prove that prayer worked. Sounds funny, but thinking you will succeed means that you're more likely to take chances which lead to you eventually succeeding. I mean, you know, it's pretty relative all things considering, but it does help in some small way.