As a public service I'm going to provide a list for future reference when creating these threads. So here's some possibilities, I ask you to fully consider each one as a distinct possibility:
Men treating women as *** objects
Men treating women as women
Men treating women as men
Men treating men as *** objects
Men treating men as women
Men treating men as men
Men treating *** objects as *** objects
Men treating *** objects as women
Men treating *** objects as men
Women treating men as *** objects
Women treating men as men
Women treating men as women
Women treating women as *** objects
Women treating women as men
Women treating women as women
Women treating *** objects as *** objects
Women treating *** objects as women
Women treating *** objects as men
*** objects treating men as *** objects
*** objects treating men as women
*** objects treating men as men
*** objects treating women as *** objects
*** objects treating women as women
*** objects treating women as men
*** objects treating *** objects as *** objects
*** objects treating *** objects as women
*** objects treating *** objects as men
So there we have it, I look forward to solving these issues with all of you. Especially how *** objects treat women as men. That's strange.