I see a guy forced to work hard by parents stricken by the hustle and bustle of potential wars, be them past or present, not having much time for said child unless it was for punishing said child for failing to live up to their expectations.
I see a miserable guy with a squandered youth, so jealous of the "technological advances" that have been made since his youth, that he must blame them and hate them and target the youth like his parents targeted him whenever he stopped for breath.
I see something that could be deep or otherwise inspiring, but simply falls short as another well worded complaint towards the youth of today. We may be the future of this world, but only the ones who were born into status, or who's family have the right connections matter when you consider the grand scheme of things and how the world may be shaped in the future. A hive is not without it's worker bees, but no hive has ever collapsed because not every worker bee is productive and/or dies instantly when it tries to hit up that sweet, smooth nectar.
The older you get the worse life seems to get. Each year, whether you like it or not, you'll find less time to play, relax and enjoy life. So lets not attempt to instill a work ethic "the world owns you, and you owe it all" attitude. Let them blissfully wander and find their own paths, be them "worthless" or useful.
But yeah basically I didn't like the article. Especially since the guy has the "right path" as thus can be appreciated and otherwise liked by many for such a paltry amount of words. Sadness
I appreciate the "get up and go" message, though. Shame it had to look like rage upon the youth though.