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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
I was just wondering. Have any of you ever felt just fine most of the day, only to out of nowhere, get depressed and pissed off for no reason? The reason I ask is because it just happened to me. One minute I'm fine, then the next thing I know I'm deleting all my profile.

Is it just me?
You are not alone.. this kind of thing happens to me very much. As well I act very impulsively from it. I do things like decide out of nowhere every one hates me and try to cut contact with people, only to realize i was being ridiculous the next day.. and then it repeats.

Often this kind of behavior puzzles me because it seems so random, but if i really consider it, always something underneath bothering me that causes it. Maybe something like that for you LoneKiller?

I am sorry you are experiencing such a thing and hope your mood will return back to normal soon. Best wishes
Yep.. some small things can just change my mood for sure. Then I have to really think about how irrational the feeling is and try to fight it. Maybe it's just human nature to get like that.
Yes, it sometimes happens to me if I'm tired and keep awake.

And going on with what fox said, it happens much more often when there is some kind of a problem - and problems are bound to happen. I tend to bottle my negative emotions, so there's bound to be times when I can go through it, alone in my cave :)
Yes, it happens to me even when there's no apparent trigger for the negative emotions. But I think what happens is that, there are all these doubts and issues festering inside, or somewhere in our unconscious, and the triggers are stuff we are just not aware of. Could be hormones, weather, some random thing someone said.

And like what the other members have said ; just have to keep fighting it and force ourselves to be positive.
It does suck to go from a sense of well being to a grumpy bastard in a flash. Although I don't smoke anymore, it's like coming down off of weed when there's none left in the bag of the ounce you just bought. What a letdown.
LoneKiller said:
I was just wondering. Have any of you ever felt just fine most of the day, only to out of nowhere, get depressed and pissed off for no reason? The reason I ask is because it just happened to me. One minute I'm fine, then the next thing I know I'm deleting all my profile.

Is it just me?

No, not only you, man. This happens to me frequently. Idk if it has to do with the fact that I'm bipolar or something, but yeah...I do understand you.
Happens to me too. My mood swings can be so apparent and terrible that it affects others around me and I often feel guilty about it afterwards.
Yeah, happens to me quite a lot. I'm not sure it's a snap of the fingers type thing, but many days I find myself with the get-up-and-go happy go lucky yay I feel fine attitude and then suddenly I've been crushed by such a small thing. It also only takes about half a second for my mood to change when I get forced into conversations with other people, too.

It's not so easy talking with my Dad though, since he views everything as negative and I carry no tone in my voice apparently, the only way people can test if I'm happy, sad or annoyed is by how quiet or loud I'm saying it, and the speed at which I say it. Anyway, sometimes Dad will snap at me because I'm being sarcastic or otherwise moody when I feel fine, and then instantly my mood becomes what he was accusing me of anyway. Which ruins the rest of the day.

And yeah there have been times when I've woken up, felt fine, felt I would do something and then somewhere along the line that line gets severed by something, and then it's nothing but a worthless boring day to look forward to, with nothing in it. There's never anything in my once my mind remembers that I guess it just shuts down or something. No clue.

Yeah though, I feel your pain. Mood swings or not, whatever it is, it sucks. At least it's rarely an angry-violent thing for me, more just melancholic depression.

Also, a quick addendum, since I read you were deleting all your profile. I know once in the very bad past when my life was nothing but darkness, I got my girlfriend to systematically delete all the pictures of me, her conversation logs and generally any trace of broke again when I tried "forcing" her to destroy all the gifts I had got her, at which point my other self (or something) kicked in and realised what I was doing. Then the standard depression rolled in to replace it, but that's better than hurting your loved one for no apparent reason other than a mood swing (or something.)
Okiedokes said:
Yep.. some small things can just change my mood for sure. Then I have to really think about how irrational the feeling is and try to fight it. Maybe it's just human nature to get like that.

if that's human nature, then i hate human nature.
Yes, but mostly involving a trigger.

When it happens I feel it as a rush and can only describe it as a wave or dwell! You instantly think of all of the things that aren't going good and feel overwhelmed, like you're sinking.

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