Yelling into the wind

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Wave Shock

Have anyone just wanted to yell as loud as possible into the winf because you were angry/depressed/sad/ or, of course, just lonely?

I've wanted to many times. Though when I want to, there are people around or sleeping at night. Family or people would be rushing in trying to figure out what was wrong with me. In this case, I just keep it in...

Then when I'm actually alone to do it...I don't feel like it. Ironic I know.
Yes I think that venting your anger or frustration like that can be very good for you, but your right, finding the right time and place to do so, when you really need to could be quite hard.
I agree that it can be good sometimes, better than screaming inside your head. I've screamed out, also done wierd things on my own, like shaking while lying down and walking fast back and forth on the floor, to vent my frustration, LOL...
NewBirth said:
i rel8 2 this completely. seems like even my frustration is badly timed LoL

I bet thats frustrating for you lol

What I have done be for now is screen out loud in the car.
I bet that would feel really really good, to let out one massive yell

Sometimes I yell out my frustration at work mostly for fun, but a big yell with all my emotion behind it, no way. I'm too much of a coward to do that ^^
I think that's why a lot of guys like the footy. Its not my thing but I must admit shouting like crazy when your teem scores sure dose feel good
Yeah, good point. You can get the same effect from a rock consert. I'm definitely not a loud guy, but I yelled my lungs out at the last consert I went to a few weeks ago. I guess it's the adrenaline rush. Feels great. Wish there were more places where yelling is fully acceptable
i'm tired of being hurry-up n get tired of being alone so hurry-up n get here..get here!
I just had a weird thought. What if every lonely person in the world all shouted the same thing at the same time whether the wold would hear us. Doesnt matter where you are what your doing when that time comes shoat with all your Worth the same thing at the same time haha would that not be so cool if we all did that. But my Guss is most would be at work are in a supermarket and would be to embarrassed to do it
bluey said:
I just had a weird thought. What if every lonely person in the world all shouted the same thing at the same time whether the wold would hear us. Doesnt matter where you are what your doing when that time comes shoat with all your Worth the same thing at the same time haha would that not be so cool if we all did that. But my Guss is most would be at work are in a supermarket and would be to embarrassed to do it

That actually sounds pretty cool. Like set a date and time to do it. That would be crazy but crazy is fun sometimes. I don't know if we can hear everyone lol but who knows someone next to you is actually someone from here and screams at the same time. :cool:
But yes most people would probably be shy to do it.
I don't yell, but when I'm out walking, I look to the sky and smile, as if there's something in that sky I'm anticipating. I don't know...
mink said:
bluey said:
I just had a weird thought. What if every lonely person in the world all shouted the same thing at the same time whether the wold would hear us. Doesnt matter where you are what your doing when that time comes shoat with all your Worth the same thing at the same time haha would that not be so cool if we all did that. But my Guss is most would be at work are in a supermarket and would be to embarrassed to do it

That actually sounds pretty cool. Like set a date and time to do it. That would be crazy but crazy is fun sometimes. I don't know if we can hear everyone lol but who knows someone next to you is actually someone from here and screams at the same time. :cool:
But yes most people would probably be shy to do it.

Would be cool if you heard the next door.

Lets all do it lol I well have a drive in my car to do it lol Yea am shy

All shout I need company

You pick the date mink ;)
jjam said:
I don't yell, but when I'm out walking, I look to the sky and smile, as if there's something in that sky I'm anticipating. I don't know...

Sometimes I look at the stars and wonder if where alone in the world. I really do, do that
bluey said:
mink said:
bluey said:
I just had a weird thought. What if every lonely person in the world all shouted the same thing at the same time whether the wold would hear us. Doesnt matter where you are what your doing when that time comes shoat with all your Worth the same thing at the same time haha would that not be so cool if we all did that. But my Guss is most would be at work are in a supermarket and would be to embarrassed to do it

That actually sounds pretty cool. Like set a date and time to do it. That would be crazy but crazy is fun sometimes. I don't know if we can hear everyone lol but who knows someone next to you is actually someone from here and screams at the same time. :cool:
But yes most people would probably be shy to do it.

Would be cool if you heard the next door.

Lets all do it lol I well have a drive in my car to do it lol Yea am shy

All shout I need company

You pick the date mink ;)

LOL bluey, you really serious about this? Who's in this too?
Why do i get to pick the date? Lol..okay i'll pick the date if everyone who's in agrees to a date that's suitable to all who's in. Okay i'm confusing but i'm sure you get what i mean. :)

I'm telling you doing crazy things are fun sometimes ;)
Crazy things are always fun, specially when your doing that **** with someone else :) just as no one gets hurt its always fun

OK ppl thats in lol

1 mink
2 bluey

who else????

well give it a week then well do it, and mink has to organise the date and time lol sorry mink but you seem like you will be good at that lol better then me and NB who am sure well be up for this as well :)
LOL that is not fair! Okay, i can give a time, but someone else has to come up with the date. One week it is then :D:D
Lmao planning this thing is fun too :p
Wave Shock should probably be in too since he started this thread hehe..
And you should be up on no. 1 bluey, not me cos this was your idea :D
poor mink lol but OK boss whatever you say :)

1 bluey
2 mink

ok I well say the day which well be a week from tomorrow witch well be a Sunday.

lol This is fun. I don't wont to be in tho. The neighbors well hear and come round to see whats up. And I got new neighbors on one sighed to.
Lol no you're the boss in this case. You can't back out once you're in. And you're the boss. I was having doubts myself lol but i might give it a shot :rolleyes:
You can tell the neighbours you need company when they ask you what's wrong. You could probably make new friends from doing this. Anyone can. But i think people around will think you're crazy lol but oh well..

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