Undignified Stuff

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2022
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New York
What have you been ashamed of?

I'm drunk right now, and I just drank the remaining half bottle of 100% pure maple syrup I had i my refrigerator.

When I was dirt poor and still a smoker, I used to dig around in ash trays at public places like malls for discarded butts I could reroll into new cigarettes. 🤔😵‍💫😟

The honeysuckle we do in the name of addictiion, eh?
Last summer, I was walking and found someone had dropped their full pack of smokes all over the ground. For a moment, I considered gathering them to give to one of my parents. Then I smacked myself out of it, because it was ridiculous.

For myself, I can't even count the amount of drunken "don't leave me, you stupid *******" moments I had during my drinking, but they are all just as pathetic as the next.
Last summer, I was walking and found someone had dropped their full pack of smokes all over the ground. For a moment, I considered gathering them to give to one of my parents. Then I smacked myself out of it, because it was ridiculous.

For myself, I can't even count the amount of drunken "don't leave me, you stupid *******" moments I had during my drinking, but they are all just as pathetic as the next.

Good on you, for NOT promoting bad health and bad habits (y)
When i was a heavy drinker, I got on the wrong train one night and ended up miles from home in the dead of night and missed the last train back up to London.

I decided it was a good idea to sleep in a bush by the station and wait for the first train in the morning. It was bloody freezing and I only had a tee shirt and a severely ripped pair of jeans on, luckily we'd been shooting a video and I had a bag with what I thought were my clothes for the shoot. Unfortunately I'd mistakenly picked up our singers bag which had some dresses in it. It was bloody cold so I put a dress on.

Around 3.30am two coppers happened to pass by heard me snoring and decided to investigate, we exchanged a few choice words and I was promptly arrested for being drunk and disorderly, they banged me up for the night and I went up before the magistrate in the morning, in a dress. After the magistrate had stopped the laughter in court I was found guilty of being drunk not guilty of being disorderly fined £10 and escorted to the train station to make sure I left town.
Most of my degeneracy stories involve me drunkenly running from the cops between the ages of 18 and 27 for X/Y/Zed different reasons.
Gradually as I got older, I stopped taking my chances as I realized I can't keep outrunning them on foot like I usually was.
Everything from juvenile delinquency of petit retail theft to drinking and smoking with friends at night in old public cemeteries.
I too was young and dumb once. It's just that my young and dumb was less focused on sex and more general anti-establishment and being a local hellraising basturd.
And then as I got older I was like "yeah I probably shouldn't keep taking chances like this" and mellowed out.
Most of my degeneracy stories involve me drunkenly running from the cops between the ages of 18 and 27 for X/Y/Zed different reasons.
Gradually as I got older, I stopped taking my chances as I realized I can't keep outrunning them on foot like I usually was.
Everything from juvenile delinquency of petit retail theft to drinking and smoking with friends at night in old public cemeteries.
I too was young and dumb once. It's just that my young and dumb was less focused on sex and more general anti-establishment and being a local hellraising basturd.
And then as I got older I was like "yeah I probably shouldn't keep taking chances like this" and mellowed out.
I always wanted to drink in a cemetery...
Drinking in a cemetery is enjoyable. Nice and quiet, nobody bothers you
I couldn't agree more, as a teen a bunch of us used to regularly spend summer nights getting wankered in Highgate cemetery, well until they started locking the gates at night and demanding an entrance fee during the day.

It's deffo one of the coolest places in London, absolutely glorious, well worth a visit even without a keg of Angry Orchard apple cider.

I couldn't agree more, as a teen a bunch of us used to regularly spend summer nights getting wankered in Highgate cemetery, well until they started locking the gates at night and demanding an entrance fee during the day.

It's deffo one of the coolest places in London, absolutely glorious, well worth a visit even without a keg of Angry Orchard apple cider.

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Highgate is the top of my list if I ever pay a visit to London.
Highgate is the top of my list if I ever pay a visit to London.
Hahah, I thought that as soon as I clicked "post reply", I may be able to get my hands on an authentic Victorian vampire defence kit if you're planning on taking on the Highgate vampire. ⚰️ ✝️
When my 1 boyfriend decided to breakup with me in my early 20's I did that whole, "don't leave me"- holding onto his leg, thing. He totally dragged my ass too 😂. Oh my gosh, I'll never live that down in my mind. NEVER! 🤦‍♀️
...I shat myself while throwing up.
It was Christmas, I had just gotten back from the party at my grandfather's after a drinking contest with my dad. He won, barely. I promised myself never to drink as much again as I had vision of me dying while my then young daughters would wake up to find my body and not know what to do.
And I never have since. Comfortablly drunk once every blue moon, but not enough to not remember everything.
I was twice picked up by cops for public drunkeness, and couldn't answer their questions satisfactorily.
In my county, that is not a trip to the drunk tank in local jail (I WISH it was!).
It is an ambulance ride to the hospital and sleeping it off on a stretcher in the hall in the ER.
Cost me $2500 both times.
$5000 down the drain.

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