Has anyone tried this kit?

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Unknown member
Staff member
Apr 5, 2008
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I ordered one of these kits and will be able to use it next weekend.

DIY is a great savings over a professional job. I was wondering if anyone who has already tried the kit could tell me what their impression of it was as far as easy of use and end results.

Just try not to blink mid-procedure. Also keep your backup eyes handy at all times.
SophiaGrace said:
did you read the fine print?

"This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA."

Yeah i saw that in a couple places, but everything says that these days. I figure that it just means that with the low price they are charging, they can't buy off the FDA the way that the big money interests can.
Minus i really really woudlnt screw with your eyesight with an at-home kit. This is a very important/delicate sense for a human being.

SophiaGrace said:
poor minus lol. :)

Lol, have you not worked it out yet?

HINT: Look at the section Minus created the thread in...
Steel said:
SophiaGrace said:
poor minus lol. :)

Lol, have you not worked it out yet?

HINT: Look at the section Minus created the thread in...

Well everyong now knows that I would try to dissuade them if I ever thought they were going to blind themselves with a medical scam. haha.

**** you Minus! *shakes fist*
SophiaGrace said:
**** you Minus! *shakes fist*

Lol. It would be great if there was such a thing. I would want to try it. Anything is better than mistaking a little man wearing a red helmet and riding a red motorbike for a volcano.
nerdygirl said:
I misread it as "kilt" and was rather excited about seeing Minus in a kilt.

I read that at first too, and was indeed excited... All the more reason for me to get this kit, aye?

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