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Welcome to ALL :)

Look around, there are lots of topics here. Jump in if you find something interesting or maybe even start your own.
Anything in particular you are interested is chatting about?
Welcome. I hope you find some comfort here. What is double depression? I’ve not heard of that. I’ve had depression for 40 years, ptsd for about 20, also other mental health issues that I cope with. Life is indeed a struggle but you just have to make the most of it the best you can.
Double depression is a combination of chronic depression (Dysthymia in my case) and depressive episodes.

I was really good at making lemonade out of all the lemons life gave me. But it became impossible to make more lemonade. I can't do any of the things I liked to do.
Welcome! Many here have similar (not the same-- there is only one YOU!) difficulties-- Indeed you can prolly help many here and others can help you with shared experiences and ways to cope!

Glad you're here!
I'm not even sure what I'm doing here. Maybe for the illusion of social interaction? I'm so far away from everyone and everything now. Broke, homeless, mentally and physically ill, invisible. I basically don't exist because according to the world around me, people like me cannot exist because there is no category for people like me.

I doubt my suggestions will be very helpful. They are so different from everything else, just like I am.
I'm not even sure what I'm doing here. Maybe for the illusion of social interaction? I'm so far away from everyone and everything now. Broke, homeless, mentally and physically ill, invisible. I basically don't exist because according to the world around me, people like me cannot exist because there is no category for people like me.

I doubt my suggestions will be very helpful. They are so different from everything else, just like I am.

Categories are dumb. They just provide people with excuses to say certain things or act a certain way. Be your own person, be different. There are people out there who will accept you as you are. We do have a chat room if you would like to check that out.
As for suggestions and advice. People need different perspectives. How else will they be able to find what works for them? A lot of people here don't like my advice, but I give it anyway. :p
If you don't fit in the right category, you're on your own. Completely. You won't get a a job, be able to rent an apartment, receive welfare, get medical treatment, have (normal) friends. Everything is a matter of falling into the right category. Economic status, educational level, sex, ethnicity and so on.

There were other people like me who accepted me the way I was. But they're all dead now. People like me usually don't make it that far. I am the only one remaining. The most stubborn. But there is no reason apart from simple survival instinct.
You are not "Invisible" to me.

Yes "Survival Instinct"-- once upon a time; i was in a similar situation. Mind you, not the exact same... but similar. Homeless, jobless, ill, etc--- but i FOUGHT for my life. Many others i knew in my position did not fight (they were prone to substances to forget their situation). It took fighting, advocating, and looking for all the loopholes...... it's still not what I'd hoped for; indeed, things are not the best at all. I did the best i could, (still do) with what i had. I too am STUBBORN!

You are stronger than you know-- you know it's about SURVIVAL.
I applaud you for your instincts and I will continue to do so.
Remember now-- one day you will look back on this and feel good about how very stubborn and strong you were. I send you my best wishes.
I'm not a naive teenager anymore. I'm in my forties. I know there will never be this point when I'll be able to "look back" because it never gets better. Life is suffering. What matters is to find something that's worth to suffer for. I don't have that anymore and won't have it ever again.

This has nothing to do with depression. I simply need money. But there is no way to get income because of my health issues and because I'm homeless. As long as I'm on the streets, nobody will hire me. Without a job and income I can't rent an apartment. Without money I can't fix my health issues. It's a big circle of bullshit without an exit. And it's completely meaningless.
Neither am I a naive teenager my age is not related to a number.
My age is related to experiences/mistakes learned from in life.
I'd say i'm about 9 years old again...... ;) (if only).
40 is a number not an age. Money? eh... many miserable folks with $.

I quite agree," Life is suffering." You say you "want something {worthwhile} to suffer for". Experience teaches there is nothing worth suffering for in my life-- not anymore. The endless circle of life......

IS NOT ENDLESS. Ain't nobody gettin off this plane ride alive.

Life is also struggling to find the right avenues to help oneself.
Ain't nobody gonna do it for you.

Is life meaningless? I often feel it is. In all actuality, I feel it daily!
" I know that i know nothing"~Socrates~~~~ Take care & please accept amends if offended.
You proved my point about invisibility. Your text is full of bogus arguments and ignorance. I don't even have the money for enough food and you talk about unhappy rich people. And now I realized there is no function here to block people. I'm not going to stay in a forum where I can't block users like you from showering me with such bullshit. You have absolutely no idea what real problems are.

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