My Intro to the world of A Lonely Life..

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2013
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Hello my name is Greg, I am 32, and from Ohio. I struggle with writing, it causes me to have a great deal of stress. I can never seem to be able to convey what is in my head onto paper/screen the way I want it. Strangely enough I can talk with no problem, well my brain thinks so anyway, in reality when I speak it is a continuous fluid process, I don’t say something then go back and hear it again before letting the other party hear it. Unfortunately I am not good at approaching people with conversation in person, and short of calling random telephone numbers, my option is to write. Wow thats a long intro to my introduction!
I think I will tell a story about me at age 5 it should speak volumes about myself.

When I was 5 I began asking my parents about garbage men. Now I didn’t just come right out and ask, I was very precise and careful about it, so as not to draw attention to my line of questioning. I achieved this by only asking the questions when we were driving in the car somewhere to ensure my parents’ focus would be on driving and not on my questions. Also I would space the questions out, no more than 1 line of questioning at a time, over a period of a few months.
I asked questions like: Do garbage men make good money? Is it enough money to support a family? Is it enough to have a home?
Once I was satisfied that a garbage man would make enough to live on I started asking: Is it difficult to become a garbage man? Is there a lot of competition? Is there a waiting list?
Now that I was satisfied that becoming a garbage man should not be too much of a challenge, I kept my mouth shut, and never brought it up again, I did not want anyone else to discover what I had about this dream job. I knew it was a long time before I would be looking for the job and if people figured out about this job there would be too many people trying to do that job and I may not get it.
Then about 6 months to a year later we were driving through a different neighborhood and I saw people had their trash cans out. I thought today is not trash day. I asked my parents why people had their cans out? They explained that different areas had different trash days and that was when my whole world turned upside down because I learned that garbage men worked more than one day a week. I cried a lot.

My thinking was that because garbage men had to deal with peoples trash that they only had to work one day a week because that was all we ever saw them.

Now I didn’t want to be a garbage man to be lazy, I simply saw this as a way I could be able to support my family, have a home, and be able to be there for my children. And with my extra time I could work and volunteer in the community with my kids and wife. I would not have to always be gone like my Dad, or like other peoples parents I knew. Some kids even had baby sitters, I know because my mom baby sat other kids, while their parents were at work. I couldn’t understand and still can’t how we have built a society where parents can’t even raise their kids, they get more influence from school and baby sitters than from home. And I thought I had found a loophole in the system at age 5, and I have spent my life since then looking for another way. I came close with a mentoring program I started and ran but failed at getting and keeping enough funding and only managed to bury myself in debt, which I dug myself out of more than once.
Now I am single and have been for a long time, and have managed to gradually become more and more of a hermit. My parents are my best friends and we are very close, but that is the extent of my social circle and as my parents age I realize when they are gone who will I have. I am overall really happy with where I am at now, I am almost living a dream come true, except I am lacking people. I have a background in primitive living skills, and I use to teach a lot, now I live on 60 acres helping my Dad while enjoying natures wonders and avoiding people. I do try to help people whenever I can, and I hope to be of help on this forum. Congratulations if you made it through all that. I was born an old soul, and have lived much of my life as an old man. Take care and thanks Greg
You're honestly the first person I've heard of that wanted to be a garbageman at 5, quite an unorthodox childhood dream :p
Anyway welcome to the forum.
Also that bit about you having a background in primitive living skills and enjoying nature's wonders makes me think what I said in the faces thread already even more.
Thanks 9006

Sigma, interesting comment about the picture, I only saw the show once and I know who you refer to, I don't see much T.V.(I haven't had or lived in a house that had a television in several years) your vibe pick-up was close although I wouldn't say kicks ass, more like becomes part of or works well with. Thanks for commenting. Nature is one of the few places I rarely feel lonely. Or at least a different kind of lonely.
Welcome to the site. I found your post really interesting as it reminded me of the way I used to think once upon a time. I hope you find the company you are looking for here.
Hey Garbageman! Welcome to the forum. I met a 13-year old once, saying he'd like to be a road sweeper. Interesting really.
quintus said:
A different kind of lonely? Like "audible silence", for example?

Interesting term, "audible silence". I will have to give that some thought. I never thought of nature as audibly silent, but that is a neat way of describing it.
I would say one thing I feel when in nature is an almost sadness that not more people are either able or in a position to connect with the world beneath and surrounding us. Its a slightly bittersweet kind of thing.

Thank you Socialawkwardness.

Thanks Ladyforsaken.

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