offline vs online AI

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Active member
Jun 16, 2023
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offline AI relies on algorithms.
whereas online AIs rely on data posted by humans in top ranked websites.


an online AI does not understand the meaning of what it does or says.
it's a search engine.

if you tell it:
"wake me up at 7 o'clock"
what's on my to do list?

it might give an answer that has nothing to do with it. just a popular search result, like
"time to drink a beer"

some search engines mix algorithms with searches.
so I can ask: what is the time/date/day? or 40$ to euro
and get an answer that is based on the meaning of the search.

  • but even than search engines don't have long term context. mostly they have no context.
  • they can't mitigate between special requests.
  • they don't handle request priority.

as for mutation
an offline AI mutates the algorithms it uses, but an online AI mutates the query sites it uses.
a game AI would probably be better of using alg mutation in such cases, because the very pattern changes.
I've been watching people throwing thousands of dollars of donations to a Twitch channel that has Trump Vs Biden debating eachother and chat using AI of some sort.

It doesn't really amaze me in this particular instance because it's more brash and comical. I was hoping to see actually well delivered arguments. 😅

I do really like using the OpenAI Chatgpt website though.
I've been watching people throwing thousands of dollars of donations to a Twitch channel that has Trump Vs Biden debating eachother and chat using AI of some sort.

It doesn't really amaze me in this particular instance because it's more brash and comical. I was hoping to see actually well delivered arguments. 😅

I do really like using the OpenAI Chatgpt website though.
I don't like chatGPT. it's censored and woke. another reason for offline AI
I don't like chatGPT. it's censored and woke. another reason for offline AI

I would certainly prefer it wasn't censored. Though I do understand why it is.

I don't know if it's appropriate to ask you to post examples of uncensored AI, at least openly on this thread but I'd be interested in a DM response (if at all possible lol).

No worries if you don't want to do so, though. ✌️
AI shouldn't be made available to the masses. It's too much. Just my opinion, of course. I fully know I'm in the minority on that opinion.
AI shouldn't be made available to the masses. It's too much. Just my opinion, of course. I fully know I'm in the minority on that opinion.
You're likely not wrong, for many reasons.. it's going to be a very challenging thing to control and mandate properly.

Interesting but possibly very scary times ahead.
I still don't understand why we're going down this road of AI in the first place (well, I do - profit - but still).

"Everyone needs to work, or starve!"

Also, "hey let's make this thing that's going to make more and more human work obsolete, but not all of it at once, so the people who still have to work will be all pissed at the ones that don't have anything they can do, keeping the misery game going forever!"

Also, "hey people are going to have to retrain/upskill more, and more often, now than ever, but let's NOT make education free because if you don't already have money - and therefore are most in need of upskilling - then screw you.

Sincerely, the society you're supposed to want to work for."

Sense, it makes none.
I still don't understand why we're going down this road of AI in the first place (well, I do - profit - but still).
Profit may be the main motive, but the "optimistic" view is that AI will create new jobs. Humans will still be employed, but doing different, more worthwhile and interesting things.

What's truly astounding to me is that literally no one predicted what the GPT-type systems would be capable of. No one at all, whether it be famous AI researchers, unknown geniuses, or even crackpots throwing out outlandish ideas.

Also astounding is that these systems are trained to do only one thing -- predict the next word in a sequence of text. If you give them trillions or more pieces of human-written text, just this is somehow enough to "learn" the knowledge and abilities in the text. No one can really explain this, either.

[Of course, they had to invent an architecture that could actually support predicting the next word after being given all that text, such as the entire Internet, all books ever written, etc. That's only a minor exaggeration. This stuff is only 5 years old or so. 5 years ago, none of this existed, perhaps even in the minds of most.]
Profit may be the main motive, but the "optimistic" view is that AI will create new jobs. Humans will still be employed, but doing different, more worthwhile and interesting things.

I've actually heard that too, so my post might have been a little premature, catastrophizing a little.

I've heard that it won't necessarily completely eliminate jobs, but will either create them, or at least, humans will still need to work, but need to know how to work with the AI to make any use out of its output.
AI was always about replacing women for the most part. it is the reaction
to our feminist cold society.

besides how is AI any different in terms of "causing unemployment" than
any other people are.

you are competing for scarce resources with other people anyways.

do we really need cashiers, soldiers, movie producers, onlyfans models, influencers, youtubers, secretaries?

do I need to pay and search for a book or should I command an AI to write one for me?

what if I don't want to watch the woke movies mainstream has to offer me?
what if I want an AI to create a new terminator movie for me, about an incel inventor that creates waifubots and has it travels back in time to be his high school sweetheart?

is shelf stocking really what's going to make someone happy?
or maybe an AI would save someone from such horrific fate?

am I supposed to pay 300$ when I just want a date, hug, kiss, conversation?

who will take care of the growing population of the aging forever alones?

how can a forever alone enjoy traveling abroad without a companion to share his experience with?

many men are now able to pretend they are females online and generate passive income and quit their hellish wageslavery thanks to AI tools.

many are curious of how the brain works in terms of algorithms.
AI is the ultimate truth because it builds upon the only truth: "I think therefore I am"

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