Weird Noises

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Staff member
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Past few days I've been hearing these noises in the basement of the house that sounds like a critter in the wall.  Wasn't exactly sure where it was coming from.  I heard them again yesterday and the strange thing was it seemed to be around the same time as the day before.  So then today I hear it again, again around the same times as the past few days.  I listen more closely to try and figure out where it is coming from.  The noise sounded like it was coming from around the TV.  I noticed "WAIT" come up on our BluRay player then go off.  When I heard the noise again I watched, sure enough it's the BluRay.  It shouldn't be coming on and off, there's a new power bar on it that has special outlets for devices.  I'm not sure if it's plugged into a faulty port or what.  But here's the weird thing...the last movie I watched that is still sitting in 2.  

if it makes you feel better my stereo receiver decided it wouldnt turn on at all last night
MisterLonely said:
That is normal, only when the message on the bluray player changes to "GET OUT" should you start getting worried

You know what... This is also my advice. And only because I've seen enough dolls in the past week to fulfill me a lifetime, burn some sage or something...
VanillaCreme said:
MisterLonely said:
That is normal, only when the message on the bluray player changes to "GET OUT" should you start getting worried

You know what... This is also my advice. And only because I've seen enough dolls in the past week to fulfill me a lifetime, burn some sage or something...


I'll be watching the display for this, the second it does I'm outta here.

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