your thoughts on the tik tok ban

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user 188685

sunflower lover
May 29, 2022
Reaction score
What do you think of the whole tik tok ban?Are you for it or against it?Your thoughts on this.
I never had Tik Tok, so it's no loss to me personally.

I also heard it was a bunch of nonsense, like meme dances and pranks and stuff to just keep you in a clicking loop and get you addicted to it.

And I also heard that the Chinese government somehow uses it to harvest your data or something. I don't know enough about that to know for sure what the problem is, but I heard there is some connection to it.

But a friend of mine argued the other way, he said that it was curtailing freedom of speech. So I see that too.

I don't know. All in all I think it's a timewaster and if it goes, I won't be sad. I guess we'll see how it turns out.
I never had Tik Tok, so it's no loss to me personally.

I also heard it was a bunch of nonsense, like meme dances and pranks and stuff to just keep you in a clicking loop and get you addicted to it.

And I also heard that the Chinese government somehow uses it to harvest your data or something. I don't know enough about that to know for sure what the problem is, but I heard there is some connection to it.

But a friend of mine argued the other way, he said that it was curtailing freedom of speech. So I see that too.

I don't know. All in all I think it's a timewaster and if it goes, I won't be sad. I guess we'll see how it turns out.
very true
If you start restricting people, where will it end. Let people make their own judgements and let them get their data stolen. The fact there isn't even the freedom of choice anymore is something I dislike.

Yes tiktok is nightmare fuel and it makes a lot of younger people insecure, and no I dont want to sound like an old person but a lot of people I know only spend the day on tiktok. It can be an unhealthy habit that distorts reality.

But what I think of the app doesn't matter, I'm not taking it away because I dont use it.

I really dislike it when the goverment decides stuff for their citizens.
And yes even if data might get stolen, let it get known and the people who continue to use it can just get their data stolen.
Here's what the Electronic Frontier Foundation has to say about it

If you are a U.S. citizen, I highly suggest you inform yourself by reading the bill yourself or at least reading what the EFF has to say about it. It's not really about Tik Tok at all.

I'll have to look deeper into it; but, I've been keeping an eye on it. Like all major legislation these days, it has little to do with Tik Tok, and more about curtailing our liberty; like everything else.

To my knowledge, most legislation isn't about one issue, rather it's merely presented as one issue, on the surface; but, in actuality, these bills cover a vast array of issues (the vast majority of which, are NOT covered, at all), and often have nothing to do with what they are presented as, if they aren't out right the opposite of what they say they are, completely.

I don't care about Tik Tok one way or the other. If the bill was simply about banning Tik Tok, that would be one issue in of itself; but, it's about a lot more than that.

As far as Tik Tok goes; If people want to shorten their attention spans even more, whatever. They'll find other ways to do it. Youtube has, 'youtube shorts,' etc.. etc.. All it takes is a little javascript and a data center to make a Tik Tok clone...
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I don’t like tik tok as a mind numbing, time wasting device that has contributed to the lowering of young people’s ability to read facial expression and talk face to face with others, but I’m always dubious of govt control.
I have never used/seen it and don't let my kid to.
Anyway there are a lot of other possibilities to waste your time watching stupid videos, I'd like all the stupid videos be banned 😆
On the other hand more people watch tik tok, less competition in a real world. Maybe people should be allowed to take the responsibility of their own lives.
I have never used/seen it and don't let my kid to.
Anyway there are a lot of other possibilities to waste your time watching stupid videos, I'd like all the stupid videos be banned 😆
On the other hand more people watch tik tok, less competition in a real world. Maybe people should be allowed to take the responsibility of their own lives.
So true
I mean, I will admit that some shorts are funny, but on the general whole it's less interesting to me. Dopamine is cool, but I'm more of a serotonin kind of a guy. 🤪

As far as in terms of like cyber security, I think there's a dualistic factor:
1.) Yes, China does do some pretty sketchy looking stuff with digital tracking information.

2.) 20+ years ago, my generation of people were hounded by our parents in our childhood not to put our personal information online. These days, EVERYONE does the exact opposite of that. 🤦‍♂️

I never really got into Tiktok. But I can absolutely see how if a platform is popular with a younger audience why they would be upset if it was suddenly banned. When I was a kid, certain books and music videos were banned for different reasons and yes that was upsetting at the time. As an adult I later went and looked into why that was and given the time period and the content of such subjects I can understand why it was banned, despite the fact that I don't personally feel like it should have been, I can at least understand as to why it happened.

It is actually becoming kind of challenging to keep dodging around the CCP's digital data collection. Purely because companies like Tencent keep buying everything under the Sun.

I do definitely think that cyber security is indeed becoming more and more needed in part because of things like that as well as in part due to our continual reliance on the internet.

And yes, I can see how certain Tiktok channels could actually be used educationally or for positive and good things. That is true of nearly all media platforms however.

I like long-form videos though, is the thing. Because they're more engaging and don't contribute to the dwindling down of the attention span of entire nations. Gonna be a bit of a weird analogy but it's the difference between a Suzuki racing motorcycle engine and something like a V8 engine to me. One is stronger and slower, the other is faster and to the point. In one instance the context is more relevant and in the other instance the subtext is more relevant. It kind of just depends on what you're going for and what you're trying to extrapolate from it.

I do think Xi Jinping needs to give up on reunification though. It's been 100 years, let it go. There's no practicality to it.
Doesnt the risk of sensitive data being accessed exist everywhere else on the internet...?
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