Site/rule changes

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Princess Pink Love
Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
Illogical Land
If there are going to be changes made, can we have advance notice? Or maybe just tell us "hey, here's the changes, just so you know," instead of making everything extremely general and virtually hidden from view.....
It's kind of asinine to just change the rules from what they have always been and not tell anyone and then yell at people when they break said rules we know nothing about. I would personally like more transparency with what is going on because there are a lot of people questioning pretty much everything. It would be nice to know....
New management always tends to effect rules and thus membership. No one likes their places changed. If they are indeed changing rules you can expect to lose people.
Bloody hell bugger arse cack git knob munter prat bellend bint bollocks scrubber tosser twat wanker

Sweet we Brits are alright 🤘
Omg, that's discrimation. WTF, we're the ones with freedom of speech, not you. Stick to your dam tea.
Oh, I tread the line pretty close at night. I'll let you know when the boot me. >whisper< I'll be a guest, that'll show em
Good place for experimental typing. Holy fuckos Batman...there's 11. Who we gonna call?
I still see new users coming in, getting bashed, and then leaving. I haven't noticed any change.
Yeah, of course. It's not like they called anyone a Richard or anything.
I see old users getting bashed too. You either have rules, or you don't. It only works if it's applied across the board. Which is why I personally don't post nearly as much as I used to. Way too many personal attacks, not enough community hugging going on.

That being said, I do agree with Cal's point. A pinned "New Rules" thread would be welcomed if many changes are forthcoming.
Hahahahah, yeah, this is defo the way forward. I've always loved "Villain, I have done thy mother"
Ha! I fart in your general direction! Your father was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries! 🤪's been a while, I might have gotten it wrong lol
Rule changes?
Did I miss something during the chaotic whirlwind that is my wakeup-work-home cycle?
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