Of Perfect Health or a Million Bucks

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Feb 5, 2023
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Would putting up with your current health condition be sated by acquiring $1M or would having perfect health in every way help you achieve all your desires making a $1M acquisition irrelevant? I've given this some thought in the past and settled on having perfect health. My physical condition has held me back in many ways many times, and my mental health has caused (and to some degree still causes) me numerous problems and resulted in plenty of regrettable choices. I believe I could earn enough extra money with perfect health to acquire the extra things I can't afford today.


Which would you choose?
Perfect Health.
I watched Limitless (2011) which was loosely inspired by that kind of an idea.
I have a love/hate relationship with that movie.
I love it, because it reminds me of when I used to do a lot of acid in my 20s.
But I hate it, because it reminds me of when I used to do a lot of acid in my 20s.
But yeah, if I just had perfect health I could just adjust everything accordingly, arrange everything in accordance to preparation for declination for efficiency.

The past two Memorial day weekends I:

1) Broke my right hand (I am right handed) and it required what is considered major reconstruction surgery. Required extensive PT.
2) Broke my left ankle, which required a 6 inch steel bar in my leg

HUGE pain in the neck both times.
I hope I never have to go through that again.
And these aren't really that bad considering what other people go through.
So HEALTH every single time!

Memorial Day coming up this weekend.
Maybe I'll break my neck this year and finally be put out of my misery...:unsure:
None. :D
I have inperfect health and I don't have 1 M $.

What you don't have you don't need it now. XD As U2 would say. :D
What exactly does "perfect health" mean? Are you immortal? If you get hit by a bus, are you going to get up and walk away? Does that mean no broken bones?

Can I take GOOD health and 500k instead? lol
I like this thread, very Ceno style approved 💫

I will say I’d love to be healthy mentally more than have a million bucks however I know an old man who had a son that was in a truck accident and he got over a million in compensation but didnt seem to make him happy sadly
I didn't properly understand what this thread is about (English failure) but no amount of money can equate

1. moral health aka honor
2. mental health aka sleep
3. physical health aka erection
What exactly does "perfect health" mean? Are you immortal? If you get hit by a bus, are you going to get up and walk away? Does that mean no broken bones?

Can I take GOOD health and 500k instead? lol
Just meaning that today you wake up without any health issues whatsoever. Not meaning that you can’t get some in future. You just have a clean health slate as of today.

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