Men almost never get compliments.

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"Be tolerant of others and strict with yourself."
Supporting Member
Nov 7, 2023
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I realized today it's been years since I was genuinely complimented. I don't even get complimented for doing well at work. Am I the only guy who's experiencing this? I hear women compliment each other all the time. Is there a reason why we don't get to have them?
They're usually accompanied by ulterior motives. Somebody wanting to sell me something or network and grow their social media presence.

Memories of adolescent compliments...

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Not about my physical appearance, no. But compliments about personality are far more valuable to me.

Though a 'hey there, handsome' would be nice...
I still remember that one time I was complimented in 1992.
Wow you must be old 😂😂😂

Dunmo what you guys are talking about I compliment men all the time! However, its hard to compliment a random man as sometimes they fall in love with me because im hot… and then everyone blames me because complimenting a man is apparently flirting with him.
you must be talking about compliments from women towards men. I give encouraging comments to my Joes (soldiers) every hour it seems. Most of them lacked a father in their lives so I am there to ensure their life has meaning and have a positive experience while simultaneously endangering their lives for their country.

As for women complimenting us!? Pssh, forget about it. We are men bro. We are brutes, we were never meant to be cute. All those who have been posted on the cover of GQ magazine never had a real job or truly suffered like us folks. Stop looking for compliments and worry about something more important like have you treated yourself in a positive manner or rewarded yourself for surviving another day!? Victories are obtained the very moment you get up from your bed. Another to make it to work, another for not hurting your coworkers…yeah the law frowns upon that. Weird! Anyway, post another entry like, what have you done to treat yourself for surviving another day
you must be talking about compliments from women towards men. I give encouraging comments to my Joes (soldiers) every hour it seems. Most of them lacked a father in their lives so I am there to ensure their life has meaning and have a positive experience while simultaneously endangering their lives for their country.

As for women complimenting us!? Pssh, forget about it. We are men bro. We are brutes, we were never meant to be cute. All those who have been posted on the cover of GQ magazine never had a real job or truly suffered like us folks. Stop looking for compliments and worry about something more important like have you treated yourself in a positive manner or rewarded yourself for surviving another day!? Victories are obtained the very moment you get up from your bed. Another to make it to work, another for not hurting your coworkers…yeah the law frowns upon that. Weird! Anyway, post another entry like, what have you done to treat yourself for surviving another day
I'm starting to understand you a bit. And no I don't disagree.
Just my own opinion here based upon what I have seen in almost 60 years of life.
Some guys get compliments from females.
But they have to be in the top 10% of males looks wise.
Whereas to most (but not all) men, females in the top 50% will get compliments from males.
Not sure if it was always this way, but it's how it is now.
At least from what I've seen.

As far as work goes...yes I have been shown appreciation over the years.
It's nice when it happens.
I was a consultant for 3 decades.
On two occasions I got a rate increase without asking. That was very nice.
What kind of compliments is the OP looking for anyway?

A compliment won't grant us time back, a real circle of friends, or missed experiences. It also feels like this is very much a younger millenial/Gen Z thing. Twenty years ago men didn't expect self-esteem boosts from acquaintances or random strangers.
Men get complimented all the time where I live. And not just on their looks.

Just out of curiosity, for those that say you don't get you live in bigger population areas?
I've been told a couple of times I look like an accountant. I'm not sure how to take this.Pre conceptions about the type of people doing my job could be a factor which riles me anyway.
I've been told a couple of times I look like an accountant. I'm not sure how to take this.Pre conceptions about the type of people doing my job could be a factor which riles me anyway.

So have I. I take it as a good thing "I look like a smart person", but at the same time, I also wish I could look like someone whose identity/personality was a little more interesting, had more excitement and spice - more personality.

I didn't do that in my teens and 20s when you're supposed to - I guess that's when you're supposed to get all the subculture stuff out of your system - so I guess my development has been arrested there, like I haven't "completed" it, haven't resolved it. So it's continued to bother me.

Accountancy is still probably the most sensible career choice for me as I'm not math-y enough for engineering, don't want to be around diseases and blood and guts (so doctor was always out), and not muscular enough for the trades and don't come from the tradesman culture so I'd stick out like a sore thumb there, I don't think I'd fit in.

But they are not stereotyped as the most interesting bunch...which causes me no small amount of worry.
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So have I. I take it as a good thing "I look like a smart person", but at the same time, I also wish I could look like someone whose identity/personality was a little more interesting, had more excitement and spice - more personality.

I didn't do that in my teens and 20s when you're supposed to - I guess that's when you're supposed to get all the subculture stuff out of your system - so I guess my development has been arrested there, like I haven't "completed" it, haven't resolved it. So it's continued to bother me.

Accountancy is still probably the most sensible career choice for me as I'm not math-y enough for engineering, don't want to be around diseases and blood and guts (so doctor was always out), and not muscular enough for the trades and don't come from the tradesman culture so I'd stick out like a sore thumb there, I don't think I'd fit in.

But they are not stereotyped as the most interesting bunch...which causes me no small amount of worry.
You really need to get out of your head and quit making so many assumptions! A person is as interesting and full of personality as they want to be, their occupation or trade makes zero difference. I know plenty of men who are in the trades who sure don’t look it - more like an accountant, actually, if you want to go by stereotypes. Muscles do not equate to success in the trades - it’s true skill that gets you money and a good job. There are also more and more women going into trades.
You really need to get out of your head and quit making so many assumptions! A person is as interesting and full of personality as they want to be, their occupation or trade makes zero difference. I know plenty of men who are in the trades who sure don’t look it - more like an accountant, actually, if you want to go by stereotypes. Muscles do not equate to success in the trades - it’s true skill that gets you money and a good job. There are also more and more women going into trades.
Yep, my nephew has worked construction jobs and he looks like a skinny druggy skater boy....which he is. lol
Construction/trade people comes in literally ALL shapes and sizes. You may not have muscles when you start, but you sure as hell will when you finish. The only thing getting in Ska's way is Ska.....You want something? Work hard and make it happen instead of finding excuses. Sorry, but it's true.

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